Distracted Driving Quiz

Distracted Driving Quiz

Test your knowledge on distracted driving and stay safe on the road! See if you can answer all 11 questions correctly

published on October 21, 20230 responses 0
Distracted Driving Quiz
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What is considered a major form of distracted driving?

What is considered a major form of distracted driving?
Texting while driving
Eating while driving
Adjusting the radio
Talking to a passenger

What is the most effective way to avoid distracted driving?

What is the most effective way to avoid distracted driving?
Put your phone away while driving
Use hands-free devices
Limit the number of passengers in your car
Eat before you start driving

Which of the following is a potential consequence of distracted driving?

Which of the following is a potential consequence of distracted driving?
Accidents and injuries
Improved concentration
Increased reaction time
Enhanced driving skills

What is the recommended method if you need to use your phone while driving?

What is the recommended method if you need to use your phone while driving?
Pull over to a safe location
Use voice commands only
Glance at the phone quickly
Use it only at red lights

Which age group is most likely to be involved in distracted driving accidents?

Which age group is most likely to be involved in distracted driving accidents?
Young drivers (16-24)
Middle-aged drivers (35-54)
Elderly drivers (65+)
Teenagers (13-19)

What is the legal consequence of texting while driving in most jurisdictions?

What is the legal consequence of texting while driving in most jurisdictions?
Fines and penalties
Warning only
License suspension
Community service

Which of the following activities contributes to distracted driving?

Which of the following activities contributes to distracted driving?
Applying makeup
Using a GPS
Drinking coffee
Talking on a hands-free phone

What is the recommended distance to keep between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you?

What is the recommended distance to keep between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you?
3 seconds
1 second
5 seconds
10 seconds

Which sense is particularly crucial when driving?

Which sense is particularly crucial when driving?

What should you do if you notice another driver is distracted?

What should you do if you notice another driver is distracted?
Stay away from the vehicle and notify the authorities if necessary
Tailgate the vehicle to alert them of their distraction
Honk your horn to grab their attention
Pass them quickly without signaling

Which of the following is a common myth about distracted driving?

Which of the following is a common myth about distracted driving?
Multitasking is an effective driving technique
Distracted driving is only dangerous at high speeds
Young drivers are not easily distracted
Distracted driving is primarily caused by elderly drivers