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published on February 12, 20160 responses 0
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Which of the following is not a principle of ISO 27001

Constructing a perfect ISMS before implementation
Continuous improvement
Monitoring and auditing
Defining policies and objectives

An information security incident is:

any security relevant change in the system
any failure in applying defined procedures
a series of events that has significant probability of compromising business operations

Controls against mobile code would cover:

an employee using a dound usb stick
a vulnerabilty in a network application
an employee connecting from home to the company network

The Do stage does not cover

Drafting an asset inventory
Implementation of policies
Implementation of procedures
Monitoring ISMS performance

Network access control must cover

Clean desk policy
User registration
Routing control
Use of system utilities

Who bears the burden of proof for the fact that the conditions for the extended electronic signature have been met?

the person invoking the electronic signature
the person against which the electronic signature has been invoked
the court of law

Controls for human resources risks after the termination of employment do not include

Returning of all assets
Clearly defined termination responsibilities
Removal of access rights
Information security awareness training

Controls for equipment security do not include

Hardware placing
Cabling security
Hardware maintenance
Software security

In the plan phase of the PDCA:

the scope of the system is defined
security controls are implemented
corrective actions are implemented in response to security incidents

An electronic document has certain date since:

time data was associated to it
the signatory has died
since it was added to the signatory's document management system

Is there a difference between the notion of electronic signature and the notion of digital signature?

Only in the US
Only in the EU
Both in the US and the EU

The importance of the European regulation of the electronic signature does not stem from:

the doctrine of direct effect
the doctrine of consistent interpretation
claims for damages from the state for lack of implementation
claims for damages from private parties for lack of implementation

A certificate provider is not liable when:

The information contained in the certificate was not accurate when it was emitted
The signatory loses control of the signature creation data, but does not notify the provider
Personal data collected in order to emit the certificate was shared with third parties for commercial purposes

The freedom of circulation of electronic signature services does not refer to:

states can only create voluntary accreditation schemes for providers
qualified certificates issued in Romania are recognized by default in France
certificates issued in Romania are recognized by defalut in the United States

A timestamp provider is not liable when:

the response time is predictable and documents can be registered in another order than that in which they were received
the response time is predictable and documents cannot be registered in another order than that in which they were received
the response time is short and documents can be registered in another order than that in which they were received

User access management controls do not include:

Formal user registration and de-registration procedure
Formal password management process
Secure operating system log-on procedures

Operating access controls do not include:

Controlling the use of system utilities
Session time-out for prolonged periods of inactivity
Controlled access to diagnostic ports on devices

Can the supplier avoid liability if the information contained in the certificate were incorrect?

only if it had no reasonable way of finding out about this circumstance
if it could reasonably find out about this circumstance but did nor

Can the signatory use a pseudonym?

yes, in all electronic documents
yes, but not in electronic documents signed in front of an electronic notary public
no, the a real name must always be used

Which of the following is false:

a certificate must be suspended when instructed by the decision of a court of law
a certificate must be suspended when the signatory has died
a certificate must be revoked when the signature creation data are no longer confidential

What value do advanced electronic signatures based of qualified certificates have in front of a national court of law?

they can always be used as proof
the can only be used as proof if the party to which they are opposed recognizes them
they can only be used as proof if the signature generation device was approved

In the act phase of the PDCA:

Corrective actions are taken to address potential security events
Preventive actions are taken to address potential security events
Preventive actions are taken to address existing security events

Which of the following is not a component of an ISMS

The organizational structure
A production database
A procedure for the treatment of a risk
A list of security responsibilities

In order to provide certification services one must:

be authorized by the regulating authority
notify the regulating authority
none of the above

An electronic document has authentic value when:

an electronic signature has been logically associated to the document and it is recognized by the party it is invoked against
an electronic signature has been logically associated to the document and it is not recognized by the party it is invoked against
an extended electronic signature based on a qualified certificate has been logically associated to the document

Why is it useful for a document to have “certain date”?

in order to be able to invoke the document versus persons that were not parties to it
in order to be able to invoke the document versus persons that were parties to it
in order for the document to have any effect

Concerning risks an ISMS:

must eliminate all identified risks
can accept some risks, as long as their impact has been evaluated
can ignore risks, without evaluating their impact

Prior to employment

assets are returned
background checks are conducted
a disciplinary process is defined for future employees

The 4 PDCA phases are:

Plan, Do, Check, Act
Plan, Do, Correct, Act
Plan, Do, Check, Audit

Certificates must be revoked except when:

a court of law has instructed that the certificate be suspended
the signatory has been put under legal interdiction
the revocation has been requested by the signatory