Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and safety knowledge relating to the hairdressing industry including health and safety legislation and dealing with hazards in the salon.

published on September 10, 2012

How should sharp objects e.g disposable razors, be disposed of?

Wrapped in newspaper and carefully placed in a closed bin
In a sharps box
Handed in to a Pharmacy
In the blue recycling bin

What is a risk?

A loss of something
A broken object
Something which can cause harm to others
The likelihood of someone becoming harmed due to a hazard

What is a Hazard?

Something which can cause harm
The likelihood of something causing harm
How much someone is at risk of becoming harmed
Harm caused to others due to care being taken

What are the employee's responsibilities under the Electricity at Work Act?

Check and repair any faulty equipment before use.
Take care to leave trailing wires and flexes
Check electical equipment before use, if faulty, remove from use, label out of order and report to manager.
Arrange for all equipment to be PAT tested

What should you do in the event of a fire?

Calmly follow the evacuation procedure and wait at the asembly point. Do not return into the building.
Go to the toilets and wait to be rescued
Go to your locker to retrieve your belongings and wait at the assembly point

RIDDOR is an abreviation for what?

Reporting of Injuries, Deaths and Dangerous Occurances Regulation
Reporting of Injuries, Deseases and Dangerous Occurances Regulation
Reporting Inquiries, Deaths and Dangerous Occupations Regulation
Reporting, incidents, Deaths and Dangerous Objects Regulation

Which of the following are possible health and safety hazards?

Hint: 3 choices
Hair cuttings on the floor
Trailing wires
Consulting with a client before the client has been provided with PPE
Wet or slippery floor
Someone falling and injuring themselves
Contracting Dermatitis

What are the employee's responsibilities under PUWER?

To only use equipment for it's intended purpose and to ensure that they are competent to use the equipment
To use equipment in any which way they see fit
To label faulty equipment and report to the manager
To ensure that equipment is PAT tested annually

What is PUWER an abreviation of?

People Using Work Equipment Regulation
Poor Use of Work Equipment Regulation
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation
Proper Use of Work Equipment Regulation

What is COSHH an abreviation of?

Chemicals of Substance Harmful to Health
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Caustic or strong Hydrogen Hydroxide
Control of Services Harmful to Health

Which of the following is a hazard?

Wearing gloves and an apron when applying hair colour
Irritation and inflamation to the skin from contact with chemicals
Lid not replaced on hydrogen peroxide bottle
Placing chemicals in a locked cupboard

Which type of fire fighting equipment should not be used on an electrical fire?

Water or foam
Carbon dioxide
Dry powder

Which of the following are possible health and safety risks caused by hazards

Hint: 2 choices
inflamation of the skin - Dermatitis
Slippery surfaces
obstructed egress

What are the employee's responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?

To maintain working practices
To only maintain Health and safety when instructed by their employer
To take care of their own health and safety
To take reasonable care to ensure the safety of all present in the work place

What is the procedure for lifting heavy objects?

Keeping back straight, bend from the knee keeping an even weight distribution as you lift
Always lift the maximum weight that you feel you can manage
Bend from the waist lifting the object carefully
Assess the weight of the object as it is not your job to lift objects in the salon.

What are the responsibilities of employee's under the Workplace Regulations?

To maintain a safe working environment
To store and use chemicals according to salon policy
To only use equipment for it's intended purpose
To lock up the premises at the end of the working day

Which of the following is a risk of leaving a slippery surface without a warning sign?

Someone could fall and hurt themselves
Another employee could feel resentful
The slippery surface will be cleaned up
No-one will notice the problem and the salon will look more professional