MCR - Helena

MCR - Helena

I have fell madly in love with My Chemical Romance and other rock/metal/heavy metal crap :)

published on December 31, 201124 responses 4
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"Long ago...

^"Oh, right! Song!"
"Just like the hearse"
"Just like a horse"

you die to get in again

"we are so far from you"
"Burning on,"
^"I still don't get it..."

Burning on,
just like a match you

"strive to improve again"
"strike to incinerate"
^"What?" (Me: -_- Do you know MCR?) "What in the world!?"
"screech with the rage flowing"

The lives of everyone you knew

"And what's the worst you take?"
"And why'd you leave this wreck?"
"And what you did after that?"

From every heart you break? And like the blade you stain

"Well I've been changing much tonight"
"What's the worst that I can say?"
"Well I've been holding on tonight"
"Things are better if I sit, no sir,"

-- @not supposed to say@ --Things are better if I stay

"So long and goodnight, So long and goodnight"
"So much to do, So much to do"
"So long Helena, So long Helena"
^"Who is Helena?" (Me: Gerard's late grandmother) "Who's Gerard? Why is his grammy so important?" (Me: I have to tell you lots, my friend. Lyrics, please?) "Umm... I will not break... Uh..."

Came a time When every star fall brought you to tears again We are the very hurt you sold
~~ ** Chorus ** ~~

"But we didn't sing! You're no fair!"
"What's next?"
"Things are better if I say, goodbye Helena,"
"And if you carry on this way,"

Things are better if I stay -- Lyrics I'm not supposed to mention :) --

"Can you hear me?"
"Are you near me?"
"Do you hate me?
"Where are you now?"

Are you near me? Can we pretend to leave and then

"We'll meet again soon, Helen"
"We'll meet again"
"We'll meet soon"
"We'll meet soon, Helen"
^ & #1 "Who is Helen and Helena you speak of? Is it short for Helena? Who is she?" (Me: -_-)

When both our cars collide --- %% Chorus %% ---

(Me: Right answer Doug! Or... whatever...)
(Me: Don't click! Wrong answer :])