World Records in the Animal Kingdom

World Records in the Animal Kingdom

What do you know about animals?

published on January 10, 201069 responses 17
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Which is the biggest Biggest ever Living Creature?

The Elephant
The Argentinosaurus Dinosaur
The Blue Whale
None of these

Which is the Largest Land Animal?

The Anaconda
The Polar Bear
The Elephant

Which is the fastest Animal on Earth?

The Cheetah
The Cobra Snake
The Lion
The Leopard
The Jaguar

Which is the biggest snake in the world?

The Anaconda
The Python

Which is the fastest fish in the World?

The Sailfish
The Blue Whale
The White Shark
None of these

Which animal has the longest Lifespan in the world?

The eagle
The giant tortoises
The Box Turtle
Turkey Buzzard

Which is the fastest bird in the air?

The Spine-Tailed Swift
The Peregrine Falcon

Which is the Most Venomous Animal?

The Cobra Snake
The Belcher?s Sea Snake
The Black Mamba
The Seas Wasp

Which is the biggest spider in the world?

The Goliath Tarantule
The Camel spider
None of these

Which is the fastest bird on land?

Philippine Eagle
The North African ostriches
None of these