So you thought you knew everything about China?

So you thought you knew everything about China?

A quiz for year 10 History students about China - from the First Emperor to the Empress Dowager.

published on September 06, 20112 responses 0
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Who am I? I was born in 259 BC and became Emperor of China in 221BC. With my Prime Minister, Li Si, I brought about major political and economic changes. I was obsessed with immortality, an obsession which ironically contributed to me death at age 49 in 210 BC.

Who am I? I was born in 259 BC and became Emperor of China in 221BC. With my Prime Minister, Li Si, I brought about major political and economic changes. I was obsessed with immortality, an obsession which ironically contributed to me death at age 49 in 210 BC.
Qin Shi Huangdi
Qin Fu-Tzu

Who am I? I developed a system called Legalism. I convinced the Emperor to control what his people read, which resulted in the burning of many books, and the burying alive of many scholars. After the Emperor's death I was part of a conspiracy to stop his eldest Son from taking the throne.


I became the Second Emperor of China, after murdering my older brother, who was next in line to the throne. I ordered my father's concubines to follow him into the afterlife by locking them in his tomb.

Li Si

Prior to the Opium War, how many trading ports were open to foreigners?


Who am I? My name was translated to the Latin 'Confucius' by Jesuit Priests. My work remains famous even today. I championed family loyalty, ancestral worship, respect of elders and family as the basis for government.

Ci Xi
Kung Fu-Tzu

Complementary opposites that exist as part of a dynamic whole. Opposite and equal.
One is associated with darkness, water and shade, and the other with hardness, heat, dryness and brightness.
note- there are two answers.

Hint: 2 choices
Yin - Slow, soft, cold, wet, passive, water, the moon, femininity, the night.
Yin - fast, hard, solid, hot, dry, aggressive, masculinity, the sun, fire, the day
Yang - fast, hard, solid, hot, dry, aggressive, masculinity, the sun, fire, the day.
Yang - Slow, soft, cold, wet, passive, water, the moon, femininity, the night

In what year did the Opium War begin?


In what year did the Opium War end?


Who was victorious in the Opium War?

The British
The Chinese
The French

What was the name of the treaty between Western merchants and China after the Opium War? How many ports did it open to foreign traders?

Hint: 2 choices
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty of Canton
4 ports
5 ports
Treaty of 1842
7 ports

What was the name of the group of peasants who staged an uprising between 1898 and 1901?

What was the name of the group of peasants who staged an uprising between 1898 and 1901?
The Imperial Army
The Qing Warrior Society
The Boxers

What are the two main theories about the Boxers' aims and origins?

Hint: 2 choices
They began as an anti-Qing movement, but by the 1890's had changed their allegiance to the Qing, supporting the Emperor but opposing foreign influence.
They supported the Qing, but were opposed to foreign influence in all forms, and wanted to drive the Western influence out of China.
They were starving peasants who resented the luxurious life of the Emperor, and wanted to take control of the Palace and starve the Royal family to death.
They were a nationalist movement who sought to install a Communist Government in China.

Who am I? I became Emperor Xianfeng's concubine as a teenager. I was a lowly concubine, until I gave birth to a much desired Son and heir for the Emperor. When the Emperor died, I staged a Palace coup and installed my infant son on the throne. I ruled China from behind the scenes for 47 years.

Who am I? I became Emperor Xianfeng's concubine as a teenager. I was a lowly concubine, until I gave birth to a much desired Son and heir for the Emperor. When the Emperor died, I staged a Palace coup and installed my infant son on the throne. I ruled China from behind the scenes for 47 years.
Empress Dowager Li Si
Empress Dowager Shushen
Empress Dowager Ci Xi

What was the name of the Emperor to who Cixi was concubine?

Emperor Ci'an
Emperor Gong
Emperor Xianfeng

My son, heir to Xianfeng's throne,became ___________ on his father's death.

Ci'an Emperor
Tongzhi Emperor
Gong Emperor

What important ritual did Lord Mcartney refuse to perform in front of the Emperor during an official mission?


What was the name of the trading system China had in place before the Opium War?

The Canton System
The Beijing System

What did the Chinese call the treaties of the 1840s?

the unequitable treaties
the unequal treaties
the unfair treaties

What was the name of the special minister that the Emperor sent to Canton to curb the Opium trade?

What was the name of the special minister that the Emperor sent to Canton to curb the Opium trade?
Lin Zexu
Lin Tzu
Len Xi

Name the two sides involved in the first Opium War.

Hint: 2 choices
Ming Dynasty
Qing Dynasty
Russian Empire
British Empire