Do you know your birds of prey?

Do you know your birds of prey?

I know about and love birds of prey. Some of this stuff can help you become a falconer! Choose your answers wisely!

published on July 22, 201316 responses 1
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Which birds of prey can you capture (as a falconer) without using a topographical map?

Which birds of prey can you capture (as a falconer) without using a topographical map?
Hint: 3 choices
Red-tailed hawk
Harpy Eagle
American kestrel
Black Vulture
Great horned owl

What is someone who is training to become a falconer by helping one?

What is someone who is training to become a falconer by helping one?

What do Osprey eat?

What do Osprey eat?
Other birds

What is the fastest bird of prey?

What is the fastest bird of prey?

Which features help a bird of prey hunt?

Which features help a bird of prey hunt?
Hint: 3 choices
A shnozzerloo? I don't really care.
An extra eyelid on each eye
Sharp talons
A beak
Strong, healthy wings