Does anyone know how much data overwatch take?

Does anyone know how much data overwatch take?

I've been thinking about buying this but I need to know how much it takes since we've got limited internet,
I play WoW all the time and it never made the internet go over,
So all I really want to is how much would it take for like a whole day of gameplay.

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Answers (1)

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We'll it depends on how much you play it, I'd say no more than maybe a few gigs tops, though I really don't know, it's not as server intense as WoW so you should be fine
@parabolic Alright, thanks a lot for the help, I'll have see about getting it (when I have enough money :'D )
For PC I hope, oh and watch out for phara and don't play her, she's an annoying OP character
on August 12, 2016
on August 12, 2016
on August 12, 2016