Is there such thing as a miniature monkey and can you have them as pets?

Is there such thing as a miniature monkey and can you have them as pets?

I realllllllly want a pet monkey but i need to know how much they are, if it is possible to keep them as pets, and i also want a mini one that doesn't get very big otherwise i wouldn't have any space for it:( Do you think you could help me???

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Answers (3)

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Monkeys aren't the best pet idea.Don't hate me,but even little ones can lash out at you.Also,in some places it's illegal to keep wild animals as pets (Monkeys,Rare fish,etc.) because these animals don't belong in a persons home.They belong in a zoo or the wild.Plus,many monkeys are endangered which means they're highly protected and therefore are illegal as pets.
on March 23, 2013
Yes there are miniture monkeys that you can have as pets . They are the size of your fingers
on November 13, 2015
To be honest... I don't really think you can have a monkey as a pet... wait, where are you living?
on March 03, 2013