Are you a Shadowhunter, Demigod or Timelord?

Are you a Shadowhunter, Demigod or Timelord?

Do you believe in deamons and angels, or myths and legions, or aliens and other life in the universe.

published on January 27, 201512 responses 1
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So you are walking home when a mythological monster attacks you. What do you do? (pick any mythological monster)

So you are walking home when a mythological monster attacks you. What do you do? (pick any mythological monster)
Get a little suspicious and curious then run
Fight it even though you dont even know how to fight and never fought before
Kill it no one can see you any way what does it matter

Your walking home after you picked what ever you picked for the last question and a demon attacks you. What do you do?

Your walking home after you picked what ever you picked for the last question and a demon attacks you. What do you do?
Kill it you've fought tons of them before
Now you just run like you've never done before
you have know idea what this thing is so you run away

After that last question your finally home. Where do you live?

After that last question your finally home. Where do you live?
Your local Institute
Your parents apartment until summer when you can finally go back to camp
In your Tardis
Me: "Is it bigger on the inside?!"
You: *Looking at me all weird* "Yes... how do you know?"
Me: *Walks out of the room whistling"

When you wake up in the morning you notice your room looks completely different then when you went to bed, What are you going to do?

When you wake up in the morning you notice your room looks completely different then when you went to bed, What are you going to do?
Walk out to investigate
Walk out and find who ever did this and kill them then find my way out
Freak out a little because you are still shook up from yesterday and don't leave

What ever you chose you still walk out to look around. After you walked around for awhile you came to a window and you saw the Earth right below you and you fainted. When you woke up hours later you were strapped t a machine and a human looking robot was standing above you. What do you do now?

What ever you chose you still walk out to look around. After you walked around for awhile you came to a window and you saw the Earth right below you and you fainted. When you woke up hours later you were strapped t a machine and a human looking robot was standing above you. What do you do now?
Start freaking out and yelling at the thing to let me go or my godly parent will kill it
Struggle to get out to kill the thing then figure out how to get back to Earth
I know what the robot is it's a Cyber Man and I know just what to do

So you some how get out of the restraints and took out the robot. You run out of the room trying to find some kind of teleport or the control room. You round a corner and you see the teleport, but it's surrounded by those robots/Cyber Man, What do you do?

So you some how get out of the restraints and took out the robot. You run out of the room trying to find some kind of teleport or the control room. You round a corner and you see the teleport, but it's surrounded by those robots/Cyber Man, What do you do?
I could call my Tardis now and see if it can get up here
Use my hidden weapon I forgot I had on me and take out those robots to get to the teleport
Run in there and try to take out those robots and if I do... die in the process

Whatever you do you end up back home safe and sound. Are you going to celebrate, check to see how long you've been gone or just pass out from exhaustion?

Whatever you do you end up back home safe and sound. Are you going to celebrate, check to see how long you've been gone or just pass out from exhaustion?
Celebrate! I just got away from the Cyber Man with out dieing!
Pass out from exhaustion
check to see how long I was gone

Ok now to the regular scheduled questions before my brain explodes from all the thinking.
So what is your favorite color?

Ok now to the regular scheduled questions before my brain explodes from all the thinking. So what is your favorite color?
any color

What is your favorite animal out of these?

What is your favorite animal out of these?
metal dog
any animal thats not too agressive of to nice and fluffy

Would you want to travel in time and space, fight demons and downworlders(if you don't know what a downworlder is they I should say are Vampires, Werewolf's, Faries, and Warlocks), or have a godly parent and fight mythological creatures?

Would you want to travel in time and space, fight demons and downworlders(if you don't know what a downworlder is they I should say are Vampires, Werewolf's, Faries, and Warlocks), or have a godly parent and fight mythological creatures?
Have a godly parent
Fight demons and downworlders
travel in time
travel in space
fight mythological creatures

This is the last and final question.
What did you think of my quiz? This is I think the first one I made really long.

This is the last and final question.  What did you think of my quiz? This is I think the first one I made really long.
Me: "Thats cool too"
Perfect your a natural
Me: "Why thank you"
What ever it was OK
Me: "Well arn't you a bit moody right now"