Do I like you?

Do I like you?

This quiz is for everyone. This is another one that I just made... This is the worst description because I don't want to add one...

published on September 05, 20145 responses 3
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Do you think this is true?

Do you think this is true?
Yeah... I relate to it a lot!
A little
Maybe it would to a girl...

Are you a girl or a boy?

Are you a girl or a boy?
Girl ~ Girly girl
Gamer girl all the way! :P
I'm just a girl...

Are you a perfectionist (someone who has to get everything perfect...)

Are you a perfectionist (someone who has to get everything perfect...)
Yes! I can't stand it when a project has a spelling mistake... I just have to fix it right away... NO MATTER WHAT!
No... I don't really care about that stuff...
If I have to do it fast then I will try to do my best to do it right. If I have a longer amount of time... I have to get it right
and be better then everyone else!
Who needs to be neat!?!

Can you walk/run in heels?

Can you walk/run in heels?
Faster then any of my friends IN HEELS! I wear then every day and when I go out too.
I can walk but I don't even want to try running...
I could never walk in a pair of heels, let alone run!
Im a guy... I don't wear heels...

I know... I know... This is the dreaded question... What is your favorite color

I know... I know... This is the dreaded question... What is your favorite color