Which Crown Hotel Should You Stay In?

See what Crown Hotel you should stay in to make your visit the perfect experience you've always wanted!

published on September 30, 20163 responses 0
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Do you think of yourself as someone who is a modern Person.

Sort of.
Not Really

Is money a little more of a challenge.

Yes, and I would like to stay on a budget
Yes, but I am willing to spend a little more for the perfect place.
No, I throw it around all the time.

Are you a party animal?

Yes! I love to head out to clubs all the time!!
Not really, but if it's a good club I'll go check it out.
Not at all! I stay away from clubs!

Are you a Shop-A-Holic?

Yes, I'm about $1,000 dollars in debt!
No, but I may have my eye on something from time to time.
Not at all!

Who are you going out with?

My Family
My Significant Other

How much are you willing to spend on a hotel room?
