Yet Another Sonic WWFFY! (Girls only!) Part 2!

Yet Another Sonic WWFFY! (Girls only!) Part 2!

Hey yo! I'm back with an all new fresh WWFFY! Ok so recap: You saw these blurs running around your house and follow them to the woods right behind your house, you figure out they're hedgehogs and one is a wolf next thing you know you black out! Ok now GO!!

published on June 17, 201481 responses 43
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Did you read the description? (Me: You're going to have to you know?!)

Yup! I'm all set! (Me: Good!)
Well Of course I did! *starts reading description* (Me: You liar!) You: Go. To. Hell... (Me: -_-...)
Of course I did Hot shot! (Me: ...Ok then...)
Hmm? Oh sorry! I was distracted by my waffles 8D (Me: What's with you and waffles?) You: Life... Is all about
Waffles... (Me:..Ok...)

You wake up on a hard, cold, steel bed. You slowly sit up, And look at the room you've been sleeping in. But what is there to look at? It's all dark and there is only light on you. Now you start to panic badly. Your shaking like crazy. Your shaking so much, the steel bed starts shaking too. Which causes it to make noise!

Aww man! Aww man! Aww man! What's going to happen to me? (Me: You're going to have to wait and
Hmph! I never shake with fear! (Me: I just made you) You: I. Hate. You...
Crap! wait a minute! *Looks in pockets* I still have your money QM! Hahaha! (Me: Go. To. Hell.) You: D:<
Ahh! Got your happy place ___! Got your happy place! ahh... Waffles... (Me:Stop it with the waffles) You: or
what? (Me: or else I'll make you! >:D) You: D:

Then you hear a knock. "Hello? Are you Ok in there?" You start to panic because you don't recognize the voice. You get up from the steel bed and walk closely to where you heard the voice come from. It lead to a door! You got so excited but then remembered the voice came from the door. 'What do I do now?' You think with Panic, Regret, and guilt.

I'm I going to die?! (Me: Just wait and see!)
I could knock out that damn stranger right here right now!

As the door starts to open, you put yourself in a fighting stance. Finally when the door opens, you see it's that wolf you saw back in the woods. "Oh hey! Your awake!" I say. You stand there amazed "You can talk?" You question me with confusion " *Nods* Yea I can also do other things you'll be surprised of."

As the door starts to open, you put yourself in a fighting stance. Finally when the door opens, you see it's that wolf you saw back in the woods. "Oh hey! Your awake!" I say. You stand there amazed "You can talk?" You question me with confusion " *Nods* Yea I can also do other things you'll be surprised of."
Whoa 8D
Like that surprises me!
Amazing! 8D

You look at me amazed and then snap into realization. "Hey! umm.... Where am I?" You question me with concern and worry, "You're on Mobius?", I respond confused, "What is that exactly?" "A planet?". Your eyes widened when you figured out you weren't on earth. You started yelling at me like I killed everybody on the planet! "Hey, hey, hey! Take a chill pill! Geez! Gosh women! I've seen Mobians flip out, but damn girl! You went all out!" I say defending myself.

Ok, ok.
How can I chill if I'm in a stranger's basement!! (Me: This is not a basement ok! D:<)
Ok, I'll take a chill pill!! Bring me some water! (Me: XD)

Then you calm down realizing you were arguing for nothing, "Hey, umm..." I say interrupting your thoughts, "I thought you would like some breakfast," You look at me like 'Ain't nobody got time for that!' (XD) "Well do you?" I say questioning you, you nod and tag along down the halls.

Oh god! Thank you! I'm finally out of that room!
It's about Goddamn time a get out of that freakin' room! (Me: Language! >:[)
Well, You know what they say!, Time is money an moneys a wastin'! (Me: -_- Just shut up.... )
At least We got out of there! I wonder what we are going to have for breakfast?! (Me: Well, There's certainly going to be NO waffles! :D) You: Your evil... (Me: >:D)

As we reach a great big room, you see another hedgehog. The hedgehog is a nice purple color. She sees you and she smiles at you. You poke me with a questioning look "Who's that?" You whisper to me, "Oh, that's my friend, Camille," You look back to where Camille was, but now she's standing right in front of us.

Oh dang! What is she going to do to me?!?!
I can knock her out in one quick swing! (Me:hahahahha NO. :D)You: >:[
Don't hurt me! Take my money! *Throws money* (Me: HEY! I gave you that damn money!!! and it wasn't so freaking easy to gain it!!! Take it back!!!! >:[)
Who's she?!?!

"Hey! The names Camille!" She says reaching out her hand, "The names ___" You tell her shaking her hand,
"Well it's nice to meet you ___!" she says breaking the shake, "Hey Swift!" She tells me, then you started to think, 'So that's her name.' "Hey Camille!" I say back, "So you're taking ___ here to breakfast?" Camille questions me with a smile on her face, "Yeah, wanna tag along?" "Sure!" She says responding.

"Hey! The names Camille!" She says reaching out her hand, "The names ___" You tell her shaking her hand, "Well it's nice to meet you ___!" she says breaking the shake, "Hey Swift!" She tells me, then you started to think, 'So that's her name.' "Hey Camille!" I say back, "So you're taking ___ here to breakfast?" Camille questions me with a smile on her face, "Yeah, wanna tag along?" "Sure!" She says responding.
If anything happens I got two to defend me!
Keep the line moving! I Starving back here! (Camille: Wait your turn! >:[)
Atleast I kept my money! (Me: You know what?! I don't like you! No, nope! no I don't! I freaking dislike you! I hate you! If you keep talking about that damn money I WILL tackle you!!!!) You: D:
Well, They might not be waffles but, I'm starving!!

As we walk through the halls, You look out the windows. 'The windows are Huge!!!' You think to yourself. You can see everything through the windows. Not so far from the house your in, You see a magnificent waterfall that leaves you speechless! But happiness doesn't last forever, (Unfortunately!) One of the windows break and a mechanical arm comes in and grabs me! As the mechanical arm takes me away you and Camille scream out my name!

Swift!!!! (Me: At Least someone's in character!)
That goddamn freaking mechanical arm!!! GO F*** YOURSELF!!! >:[ (Me: I never knew you had such
powerful language!)
Will you need my money to get out?!?! (Me: THAT'S IT!! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!! AHHH!!!) You: D:>
Swift!!! Oh my god!!!! Who's going to escort me to breakfast?!? (Me: You know what? I'm starting to warm up to A2, GO F*** YOURSELF!! >:[)

As you two scream out my name, on the other side of the hall, You see... And Cliffhanger!!! Hope you enjoyed part 2!!!! Part 3 is coming soon!! And the story kind of continues in your result bye!!! (The answer below will affect your result!) (Just giving you a heads up!)

I'll Follow, Rate, and Comment!
Rate, and Comment!
None of the above! (Me: Wow... You sure keep my hopes up! -_-