Which Kind are YOU?

Which Kind are YOU?

Are you a devil, and angel, or human? Take this "fun“ quiz to find out! Actually, sometimes, it's not very accurate, but still...try it! Okay, the cover's a bit strange...

published on August 08, 20188 responses 2
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Which Do You Seek the Most?


Why do you think you 'love'?

Oh, I'd love to murder!
We should love everything created!
Nah, depends!
Dunno, I once loved a girl who helped me kill my rival!

Where would you go if it was your 'special day' (whatever IMPORTANT day)?

Visit hell with my friends
Go to the beach for some fun!
Try to guide lost people to the right road!
Do homework
Go to the movies so we can attack!
Try to help kids find their interests!

Which kind of food do you prefer?

Sushi rolls
Blueberry flavored ice cream
Flesh (from humans!)
The least I can get so I can give to rest to people who need it

Lastly, how do you get food?

Pay for it, of course!
Hunt to eat!
I would scrounge for leftovers in case I eat too much
Just pick fruits, I want to be slim!