Mood and Motives

Mood and Motives

Are you curious about how your mood and motives influence your emotional state? Test out your Psychological Types here and discover who you are!

published on June 04, 20230 responses 0
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What type of environment do you feel most comfortable around?

What type of environment do you feel most comfortable around?
Organized and structured
Social and stimulating
Quiet and creative

What kind of decisions do you prefer to make?

What kind of decisions do you prefer to make?
In the spur of the moment
Intellectual and deliberative
Practical and planned

How do you respond to change?

How do you respond to change?
Easily adjusting
Efficient and organized
Imaginative and idealistic

What pace do you tend to live at?

What pace do you tend to live at?
Poetic and passionate
Neat and productive
Fast-paced and energetic

What types of hobbies do you enjoy?

What types of hobbies do you enjoy?
Organizational tasks and mindfulness
Social activities
Creative pursuits and learning

When someone expresses an opposing opinion, what do you do?

When someone expresses an opposing opinion, what do you do?
I analyse the argument and ask questions
I respond with facts and grounding experience
I listen and consider their thoughts

How do you structure your day?

How do you structure your day?
Curiosity-driven and self-directed
Flexibly and spontaneously
Sequentially and strategically

When presented a problem, what do you do?

When presented a problem, what do you do?
Explore the options and ask for help
Create a plan and work it step-by-step
Analyse from multiple angles and meditate

How do you respond to criticism?

How do you respond to criticism?
Analyse, theorize and refine
Listen, reflect and grow
Acknowledge and adjust as needed

How do you approach an unfamiliar situation?

How do you approach an unfamiliar situation?
Structurely, breaking it down
Thoughtfully, with curiosity
Flexibly, with an open mind

When problem solving, what type of strategy do you use?

When problem solving, what type of strategy do you use?
Mapping it out and identifying the steps
Using analytical and abstract thinking
Relying on my connections and resources