what type of my little pony are you? (1)

learn what type of my little pony you are with a nice quiz that is a little short.

published on April 09, 201515 responses 5
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you just moved into ponyvill you see a lot of stuff to do you chose to...

you just moved into ponyvill you see a lot of stuff to do you chose to...
hang out with all the cool ponys
show off
help other ponys
try to fit in

you are going some place you go...

you are going some place you go...
sugar cube corner
clouds dale
to the castle

if you were going to eat something how would you put it in your mouth?

with my hoof
being gross and using my mouth
using my magic
wondering how to be normal

do you like working hard?

of course not!
if i can use my magic
my mom will not be happy

when would you make friends?

after i see the wonder blots
maybe at canterlot after i go shopping...
right now!
maybe after i move in