How will your life turn out? (dont take this seriously)

How will your life turn out? (dont take this seriously)

THIS IS A JOKE! (so like do not freak out if you die soon O_O ok? just saying)

published on December 10, 201722 responses 3
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How do you treat people

How do you treat people
Respectfully... I don't say anything to harm them
Kindly... I will make jokes trying not to be reckless :)
Like family... anyway i treat my family
Nicely... I greet them with a nice "Hello!"
Clumsy... I may trip around people on accedent
MEAN... I spit when i feel like it or somthing distasteful is in my mouth
Like a popstar... I want to be the souce of attention
Rude... I burp outloud and fart expecting everyone to laugh

How do you greet people?

How do you greet people?
Greetings my fellow companion
Hey there squirt!
Hello :)
HI THERE!!!!!!!!
Saw dude!
LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was awful I got my toenail ripped off my sore shoot pus everywere (ect)

In school?

In school?
Straight A's and A+'s
B's and B-'s
C's and C-'s
D's and D-'s
B's and B+'s
C's and C+'s
D's and D+'s

What is your outlook on money?

What is your outlook on money?
Used to get ****
Used carefully
Use it how it should be treated
Save it up to buy the best of things
Use most for intertainment
Use it all but realize you have like none left
Use most for things i MIGHT not need

What do you find fun?

What do you find fun?
Jumping in money in my dreams
Going on a roller coaster
Thinking about all the things i want to do but dont have the money to
Going to a art museum
Crunching numbers
Muging people
Robbing a bank
Thinking about the people i hate and protending its my pillow so i can bash it...