Which Princess Leia Are You?

Which Princess Leia Are You?

Find out which version of Princess Leia best matches your personality!

published on March 131 response 0
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What is your go-to outfit choice?

What is your go-to outfit choice?
Gold bikini
Tactical combat gear
Flowy white gown

How do you prefer to solve problems?

How do you prefer to solve problems?
Using unconventional methods
Diplomacy and negotiation
Direct confrontation

What is your leadership style?

What is your leadership style?
Unpredictable and cunning
Fearless and commanding
Wisdom and guidance

How do you deal with adversity?

How do you deal with adversity?
Adapt and overcome challenges
Stay composed and strategic
Fight back fiercely

What is your greatest strength?

What is your greatest strength?
Resourcefulness and wit
Courage and resilience
Compassion and empathy

How do you handle betrayal?

How do you handle betrayal?
Outsmart and outmaneuver the betrayer
Seek revenge immediately
Forgive but never forget

What motivates you to keep fighting?

What motivates you to keep fighting?
Protecting those you love
Desire for freedom and justice
Hope for a better future

How do you approach challenges?

How do you approach challenges?
Head-on with no fear
With grace and determination
Thinking outside the box

What is your preferred method of communication?

What is your preferred method of communication?
Eloquent speeches and diplomacy
Direct and assertive commands
Secret messages and codes

How do you envision your legacy?

How do you envision your legacy?
As a fierce warrior and leader
As a symbol of hope and inspiration
As a cunning strategist and survivor