Which Bilbo Baggins are you?

Which Bilbo Baggins are you?

Find out which version of Bilbo Baggins from 'The Hobbit' matches your personality best!

published on November 10, 20230 responses 0
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Which of these best describes your ideal weekend?

Which of these best describes your ideal weekend?
Relaxing at home
Exploring new places
Reading a good book
Attending a party or gathering

How do you handle unexpected challenges?

How do you handle unexpected challenges?
With calmness and adaptability
With enthusiasm and a sense of adventure
By relying on your wit and knowledge
By seeking help and support from others

What do you value most in a companion?

What do you value most in a companion?
Intellectual stimulation
Friendship and social connection
Stability and loyalty
Shared interests and hobbies

How do you prefer to spend your free time?

How do you prefer to spend your free time?
Enjoying a cozy evening indoors
Engaging in intellectual pursuits
Exploring the outdoors
Attending social events and gatherings

Which of these words do you resonate with the most?

Which of these words do you resonate with the most?

How do you feel about unexpected changes in your routine?

How do you feel about unexpected changes in your routine?
Unfazed, as you are adaptable
Slightly uneasy, as you prefer stability
Excited, as they bring new opportunities
Intrigued, as they offer learning experiences

What role do you usually take in group activities?

What role do you usually take in group activities?
The one who brings people together and leads
The one who ensures everyone is comfortable
The one who provides knowledge and expertise
The one who explores and takes risks

How do you handle conflicts or disagreements?

How do you handle conflicts or disagreements?
By seeking a peaceful resolution
By trying to understand the other person's perspective
By engaging in a lively debate to find the best solution
By searching for a common ground among all parties

What kind of challenges do you find the most appealing?

What kind of challenges do you find the most appealing?
Challenges that involve making meaningful connections
Physical challenges that test your limits
Mental challenges that require problem-solving
Challenges that allow you to enjoy peace and tranquility

Choose an ideal home for yourself:

Choose an ideal home for yourself:
A library filled with books from floor to ceiling
A cozy hobbit hole nestled under a hill
A cottage in the countryside with a beautiful garden
An elegant mansion with plenty of space for social gatherings