Which Self-Care Persona Are You?

Which Self-Care Persona Are You?

Take this quiz to find out about your personality when it comes to taking care of yourself! Based on your answers you'll be sorted into one of the five distinct types: Caring Mom, Fun Time, Go-Getter, Balance Maker and Soul Searcher.

published on May 09, 20230 responses 0
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When it comes to maintaining self-care, what is your primary motivation?

When it comes to maintaining self-care, what is your primary motivation?
To make sure my life is balanced and has a variety of nourishing activities.
To make sure I'm always my best self for others.
To make sure I'm always achieving and progressing.
To make sure I'm always having fun.
To make sure I'm exploring new things and deepening my understanding of myself.

What's the first thing you do when you realize you're feeling drained and need self-care?

What's the first thing you do when you realize you're feeling drained and need self-care?
Grab a journal and write out my thoughts/feelings.
Go for a walk and appreciate my surroundings.
Go out to the movies and watch something funny.
Take a warm bath with lots of bubbles.
Write down all my accomplishments for the day.

What sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

What sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
Spending time organizing my workspace and planning out goals.
Taking a yoga class and reading my favorite book.
Arranging a cozy brunch with my family.
Having a movie night with my friends.
Going for a long hike and contemplating life.

If you had to pick a motto for your self-care practice, what would it be?

If you had to pick a motto for your self-care practice, what would it be?
I will always make sure I'm taking action towards my dreams.
I will always make sure I'm tuning inward.
I will always make sure I'm finding harmony within myself and my environment.
I will always make sure I'm living my best life.
I will always make sure I'm looking out for others first.

At the end of a long and stressful week, what is your go-to activity for self-care?

At the end of a long and stressful week, what is your go-to activity for self-care?
Going for a relaxing massage.
Talking to a supportive friend.
Reviewing my to-do list and setting new goals.
Watching a feel-good movie.
Going to a mediation class.

Your greatest triumph has been:

Your greatest triumph has been:
Repaying the debts of my family.
Starting my own business.
Overcoming an addiction.
Traveling the world.
Receiving a promotion at work.

What activity would make you most relaxed?

What activity would make you most relaxed?
Listening to music while breathing deeply.
Watching my favorite comedy show.
Writing out my thoughts in my journal.
Going for a long walk with a loved one.
Creating a plan to further my career.

How do you like to spend time with friends?

How do you like to spend time with friends?
Cooking a good meal together.
Playing party games and telling stories.
Meeting up with them to bounce ideas off one another.
Doing a group activity in nature.
Just listening to them and supporting their goals.

How do you tend to deal with your emotions?

How do you tend to deal with your emotions?
Reaching out to friends and talking my feelings out.
Distracting myself with something fun.
Creating goals that will motivate me to keep going.
Simply having a good cry and then letting it go.
Exploring them and finding their source.

What type of self-care books and advice do you read?

What type of self-care books and advice do you read?
The ones that focus on self-reflection and spiritual growth.
The ones that focus on goal-setting and self-discipline.
The ones that focus on finding balance within myself.
The ones that focus on living a happy and fun life.
The ones that focus on being a good person to others.

Your dream self-care goal would be:

Your dream self-care goal would be:
Making memories I will cherish throughout my life.
Being able to accept myself fully and love who I am.
Accomplishing something that will set a powerful example.
Finding a balance between taking care of myself and others.
Becoming a mentor to someone who needs my help.