Do you dislike or love animals?

Do you dislike or love animals?

I bet everyone here on qfeast loves animals so good luck and always love animals.

published on December 31, 201446 responses 12
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If an animal was hurt what would you do to help?

If an animal was hurt what would you do to help?
Leave it to die
Take to an animal hospital

You are now at the animal hospital and the animal is bleeding from it's side, what do you tell the vet?

You are now at the animal hospital and the animal is bleeding from it's side, what do you tell the vet?
"Can you help this poor creature? it's badly hurt"
"Here, take this fleebag it's your problem now" (Do not pick this one)

The animal is all better and the vet says you need to pay him $200 dollars for having the animal get better, what do you do?

The animal is all better and the vet says you need to pay him $200 dollars for having the animal get better, what do you do?
Kick his knee and walk away
Pay him the $200 dollars and wait for the animal to get better

After about fifteen days waiting in the animal hospital, the animal is ready to go back to the forest. Would you take it home to it's natural habitat?

After about fifteen days waiting in the animal hospital, the animal is ready to go back to the forest. Would you take it home to it's natural habitat?

After releasing it back to the wild, you see other animals that look exactly the same, what do think they could be?

After releasing it back to the wild, you see other animals that look exactly the same, what do think they could be?
A bunch of filthy animals
It's family

If you seen a large pride of lions fighting for territory and one of them was heading for you, How would you react?

If you seen a large pride of lions fighting for territory and one of them was heading for you, How would you react?
Run for my life and stay in my cheep
Grab a gun and shoot it

Would you want to help protect the Cheetah from going extinct?

Would you want to help protect the Cheetah from going extinct?
No not really
Why yes anything to keep the Cheetah alive

If you found an abanded Artic fox cub would you help it?

If you found an abanded Artic fox cub would you help it?
Yes I would take it to a zoo to be loved and cared for
Leave it alone

Do you want to care for animals?

Do you want to care for animals?

Do you absolutely, possitively, LOVE animals?

Do you absolutely, possitively, LOVE animals?
Why Yes and I always will
No never!