Sonic WWFFY (part one)

Sonic WWFFY (part one)

Hey! I'm Cora, and I'm making a sonic WWFFY! Enjoy! Choices are Sonic, Shadow, Silver, or Scourge. If you like it, I'll make more! Also, you can comment if you want any other Sonic characters in next WWFFY quizzes.

published on January 10, 201584 responses 13
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You're walking around, minding your own business when suddenly a burst of light appears all around you.

You're walking around, minding your own business when suddenly a burst of light appears all around you.
Omg! What the crap? That was extremely
-.- Kill it.
Dx I think it's unfriendly.
OoO I bet there's a bunch of hot guys in that

The light closes in on you and you suddenly find yourself laying facedown in a meadow. Spitting grass out of your mouth, you sits up and look around.

The light closes in on you and you suddenly find yourself laying facedown in a meadow. Spitting grass out of your mouth, you sits up and look around.
Woah. Open space. Cool!
I hate it. It looks too happy.
Wow... This is weird.
Hey! I don't see any hot guys! You lied to me!

You stand up and walk to the forest. After about an hour, you come across a large house. Just as you're about to knock on the door, a large explosion comes from behind the Back.

0_0 Holy muffins!
Yay. I hope people died.
Oh no... Sounds bad.
We should Go check it out! Make sure no hot
guys are hurt! Dx

Quickly, you run to the yard behind the house and see a large, fat man with long legs. He's in some sort of machine and is shooting the house while colored blurs are running around it.

:o Let's kill him!
XD He's fat!
Let's think of a way to save thes strangers.
Yeah! Let's kick his butt! >:D

You decide to run into the bate, but instantly a blur knocks you over.

Oh, cool! I wish I was that fast!
Hey! Watch it, loser! >:|
I'm sure it was a mistake. ^-^
Getout of my way! Dx I must see the hot guys!

You stand back up and brush dirt off your clothes. When you look down, you see new clothes.

Cool! :D I love this color! So pretty!
-.- At least this color makes me look bad*ss
Omg! This the most beautiful outfit ever!
D: Awww what?! I look hideous!

A pale, icy blue blur rushes past you just as you're examining your outfit. You shriek when the fat guy shoots you with a laser and suddenly you can't move.

D: I can't move!
HEY! Fight me like a MAN, you coward! D:<
Oh no! I'm dying! Dx
Omg no! He's so ugly! This isnt what I wanted!

You black out as the egg dude carries you into the forest.

I have too much adrenaline to pass out! -n-
Finally, some sleep. =-=
I'm sure those blur things will save me.
;-; I didn't want this...

You wake up on a metal cot. When you try to move, you realize that you're sstrapped to the cot with flexible metal straps.

Hey!Let me go, creep!
Omg -.- I bet he's like, a perv or something.
Help! Someone help me!
WTH. I'm too cool to be treated like this!

The fatso guy walks in. "Oh you're awake. Let's begin."

Ummm, let's NOT.
P-please let me go. I swear I won't tell any about you.
Yea right! My boyfriend will save me! (Eggman: The boyfriend you don't have?) D:

"So, first of all. What's your name?" The guy asks, after saying his name is Dr. Eggman.

I will never tell! >:D
XD Omg! Your name is stupid!
Dude. Just let me go. -.-

Eggman: "You can't leave until I know your secrets!"

You're a creep.
Ugh! Leave me alone!

Eggman growled in frustration and pushed a button.

What does that do? :3
Oh look. You pushed a button. So terrifying. -.-"
Nooo! D:
OoO Omg I'm gonna die!

Welp! That's it for this one. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Farewell. I excited for the next quiz. (:
Toodles! O3O