What warrior cat are you? (11)

What warrior cat are you? (11)

I'm snowfur so you guys know This will make you think hard about yourself try on this

published on August 31, 201613 responses 2
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If you where in this situation what would you do? Look at the pichure

If you where in this situation what would you do? Look at the pichure
Kill her
Deal with it
Get relly mad
Shrug your shoulders
Mumble starclan help me
Not be happy whith yellowfang tigerclaw or bluestar
Nothing at all CU's your busy

How would you pichure dead scourge brout back to life?

How would you pichure dead scourge brout back to life?
Nicer smiling at his sibling saying I did not mean what I did I deserve to be dead I can't make up for what I've done
Cures who ever killed me like I care anyway let's snap this earth in two
I will help bloodclan even though I'm dead
Smiling at his clan you guys can make it bithout me brick and bone are your new leaders

If you where destroyed but still helping your clan whaching your clan die like what hapend to feathertail what would you do

If you where destroyed but still helping your clan whaching your clan die like what hapend to feathertail what would you do
Let them die
Fight till I die
Stand high as if I was the leader and curse that atacker
Burst the atcker to flames

If you lived a happy wall you were yong like snowfur and bluestar and then your life fell apart what would you do?

If you lived a happy wall you were yong like snowfur and bluestar and then your life fell apart what would you do?
Risk my life others til I one day die doing it
I would take my life pick it up and win the warrior cat war and put my life back to peices
I would let my life fall when was destroying this terrible place of land called the war

What would you be mumbleing to yourself?

What would you be mumbleing to yourself?
Help plz
I'll never forget you
I'll never stop loving snowfur
Don't forget my number lionblaze