Harry Potter Sorting Hat Personality Quiz

Harry Potter Sorting Hat Personality Quiz

Which house would you be sorted into? Would you be a brave, courageous Gryffindor, or are you more suited to the dark side? Find out now with Harry Potter's Sorting Hat Personality Quiz...

published on September 11, 201628 responses 5
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If you could choose, what animal would represent you the best?

A lion
A snake
A badger
A bird

Choose a colour:

Choose a colour:

Your best friend is getting bullied by your worst enemy, you:

Your best friend is getting bullied by your worst enemy, you:
Run up to the bully and yell in their face
Walk away with your friend, talking loudly about the bully
Quietly ask the bully to stop and if that doesn't work, you have no choice, (back to No.1)
Grab your friend and run away as quick as you can

How would you spend your ideal weekend at Hogwarts?

How would you spend your ideal weekend at Hogwarts?
In Hagrid's hut, discussing your next adventure in excited whispers
Studying in your dorm
Spying on your worst teacher in their classroom
Having a picnic in the setting sun

What annoys you the most?

What annoys you the most?
People who put "there's" when they mean "theirs"
Bullying. It's not OK
Detention, it's the worst!
Muggle-borns, more usually suited to the name, "mudblood"

If you could go anywhere, where would it be?

If you could go anywhere, where would it be?
A beach, Mmmm...
A mysterious forest, adventuring and exploring
An open landscape, painting the sights
Your father's manor, being waited on hand and foot by a house-elf

What are you thinking right now?

Ugh, when is this quiz gonna end?
I can't wait to find out what house I'm in!
OMG, did I forget to do Friday's homework?! Ahhhhhhhhhh!
I like cheese...

Alright, last one, who's your favourite Harry Potter character?

Alright, last one, who's your favourite Harry Potter character?
Harry, of course!
Draco Malfoy's awesome!
Cedric, from the Goblet of Fire!
Luna Lovegood... speaking of her, when are we getting dessert?