Get yourself tested for BIM

Have you ever felt like BIM is dominating your life more than anything? Have you felt feverish when seeing 2D scatches and piles of FM documents? Well, the good news is that you might be infected with BIM - the transformation virus. What is the bad news? Well, you might be resistant to BIM. How can you tell? Complete this test.

published on July 22, 20162 responses 0
Get yourself tested for BIM
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Do you have a burning desire to turn your child's 2D sketches into 3D models?

Do you have a burning desire to turn your child's 2D sketches into 3D models?
Yes, but on weird Mondays
Why would I do that?
I am rendering a Unicorn right now

Do you cringe when you hear a BIM related pun?

Do you cringe when you hear a BIM related pun?
No, that's what we call BIMspiration
I cringe a little, but I turn the other cheek
I don't get it
Puke @#@%$&^

What is a BIM bingo?

What is a BIM bingo?
A washing liquid
Awesome game people play at BIM cons
Arm, I'd rather stay uninformed
%#@$#^ BIM Marketing

What is the real name of COBie Carl

What is the real name of COBie Carl
Isn't it Carl?
Should I care?

BIM is...

BIM is...
just a buzz word
the name of the digital revolution in the construction industry
a crazy Marketing ploy

Can you explain BIM to your Mom?

Can you explain BIM to your Mom?
NO way, she stops listening after 'modelling'
Sure, she loves to listen to me since I was 7
THIS IS SPARTAAAAA! I fight through it and she understands it in the end. I even test her.
Yeah. She quite well understands the concept of #%@%@.

Do you read BIM media?

Do you read BIM media?
Yeah, I am even a BIM blogger myself
Sometimes, I like niche news
There is BIM media? Who knew...
Hell no. I'd rather read

What do you say when you meet a BIM evangelist?

What do you say when you meet a BIM evangelist?
Greetings, enthusiastic friend. Let's do business together and become the Google of BIM, the Amazon of BAM and the Netflix of Boom!
I say 'hi', but avoid eye contact
I only wish they stopped talking with abbreviations.
I walk away

What is your biggest BIM dream?

What is your biggest BIM dream?
Everybody works together collaboratively in a shared environment in which data flows through all the stages of the construction life cycle.
I dream that BIM will finally bring me some cash
I dream that they finally leave me alone with all that BIM jazz
BIM and dreams do not go together in my life

Did you like this?

Did you like this?
Awesome. I love doing BIM stuff for fun.
Wasted my time
It was ok, now give me the results
I am confused.