Create a Personality Quiz

What is a Personality Quiz?

A personality quiz is a fascinating way to determine someone's personality type. You only have to describe the possible personalities then ask few questions. Every possible answer has an associated personality type assigned by you! Based on the user's answers, Qfeast will automatically calculate the dominant personality

What kind of lover are you? What color are you? Where will you be in 20 years time? These are just a few fun quizzes you could set up for your friends!

Tips for writing a personality quiz:

  • Choose a catchy and intelligent title, description and image for your quiz! These are the first things that the visitors evaluate
  • Remember: A good personality quiz usually has more than 10 questions
  • Tell your friends about your quiz. Share it on as many social networks, blogs or websites as you can. Doing so, your quiz will have a lot more responses, and it will earn a higher rank in Qfeast tops
  • Choose wisely the quiz topic and personalities so the users don't fill insulted or inferior in any way. For example a quiz like "Are you smart or dumb?" would be a very bad idea
  • Do some research first. Before publishing any quiz on Qfeast, learn about the respective topic
  • Read and follow the below rules:

Rules for writing a personality quiz. Users should:

  • set a valid title, description, questions, choices, category, images and results for the quiz. Do not fill the text/image fields just to pass the validation (minimum length for texts or mandatory images), as this will cause the quiz to be unpublished or removed.
  • use English while writing the quiz
  • double check the quiz before publishing it for accuracy, correctness, spelling and grammar errors
  • not use the quiz to gather users impressions or feedbacks: "Do you think I am pretty?"
  • not dedicate the quiz to a close group of persons like colleagues, friends, family members, followers and so on
    Putting your friends in an quiz may seem like a nice surprise or an amusing joke, but quizzes like this are likely to be removed. In this process, feelings may be hurt, which can be avoided by a little forethought on your part. So, just do not do it, please
  • not add questions requesting opinions about the respective quiz: "Do you like this quiz?"
  • not use quiz to transmit mass messages/requests to people
  • not add content inside quizzes requesting or inviting people to follow, read, visit, subscribe (or any other similar action) a person or page: "Will you follow me?"
  • be careful about Copying things. Do not violate copyrights. Do not copy content of other Qfeast users
    To be safe, do not quote more than a couple of sentences of text from anywhere, and document any references you do use. You can copy material that you are sure is in the public domain, but even for public domain material you should still document your source. Also note that most Web pages are not in the public domain and most song lyrics are not either. If you think you are making "fair use" of copyrighted material, please put a note on the discussion page saying why you think so
  • not write quizzes that advocate one particular viewpoint on politics, religion, or anything else. Understand what we mean by a neutral point of view before tackling this sort of topic
  • research with the best sources available and cite them properly. Doing this, along with not copying large amounts of the text, will help avoid any possibility of plagiarism
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Add Personalities

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Choose a catchy and intelligent title for your quiz! The title is crucial!

Remember that quiz titles are the first thing that the readers evaluate

If the title is not attractive enough, the attitude towards your quiz will be completely different

What is your quiz about?

Write a vivid description about it using approximately 15-20 words

For maximum impact, choose an image that can effectively promote your quiz

Please use only non-copyrighted images

Choose a category that best represents your quiz

When checked the questions will be randomized so they appear in a different order each time the presentation is opened

By default, the questions are displayed based on the order in which they were added to the quiz

Enable or disable comments

If the quiz is already published, disabling comment posting will delete the existing comments

The quiz will be displayed on the main page, quiz categories and your profile pages (like your "Wall" or "Created Quizzes")

Best for general knowledge quizzes

Your followers will get notified when you publish the quiz

The quiz will be displayed only on your "Wall" and "Created Quizzes"

Best choice if you intend to ask something very particular about you
e.g. How well do you know me?

Your followers will get notified when you publish the quiz

The quiz will be visible only to you on your "Created Quizzes"

Each quiz has a random generated address. After you publish the quiz, you can copy/paste it from your browser and send it to specific people

Nobody will get notified when you publish the quiz

Attach an image to this question

Please use only non-copyrighted images

Write different quiz personalities here to be shown to people when they finish this quiz. At least two personalities are required

After submitting their answers, one of these personalities will be shown to the quiz taker, depending on the answers they chose to the quiz

Type in a personality type

Use to delete the personality

Write as much detail as you can about this personality

People love a lot reading about themselves

Attach an image to this personality

Please use only non-copyrighted images

Remember: A good personality quiz usually has more than 10 questions

A Personality Question allows only one answer to be chosen by providing radio buttons next to the answers

The selected answer will be translated into a personality

Below is an example of a Personality Question:

What is your favourite colour?

Anything bright like yellow
None of these

Type in the statements which are justifications of the answer for this question.

The explanation will appair on the quiz results below each question

Below is an example of question explanation:

Russia is the correct answer as with its 17,075,400 square kilometres is the largest country in the world

Type in the question

Remember: the clearer your question is to people reading it, the better!

Use ▲ and ▼ to move the question up or down

Use to delete the question

Type in the answer

Use ▲ and ▼ to move the answer up or down

Use to delete the answer

Attach an image to this answer

Please use only non-copyrighted images

Give points to each personality for every answer!

If somebody will select an answer, then, the corresponding amount of points will be added to the respective personality

At the end of the quiz each personality will be linked to an amount of points and the personality with the most points will dictate the quiz answer

Give more points to results that have stronger relation to the answer and less points to results that relate less

Attach an image to this question

Please use only non-copyrighted images

When you are ready, click the Next button to proceed to the next step. Or, Save the Quiz as a Draft to edit it later
Add content to So-so Okay Smart Superb Outstanding Quiz
Increase the questions attractiveness by:
  • adding more questions
  • adding more answers
  • attaching images
  • providing explanation