Myers Briggs types All sixteen of them! Find out which you are, look it up and you can find out so much about yourself you need never take another test again. anonymous-user-K5lICe published on April 19, 2015 Stacked 1/12 Do you like being around other people? Yes No 2/12 Do you rely on logic or emotion? Logic Emotion 3/12 Head or heart? Heart Head 4/12 Are you a confident person? Yes No 5/12 Are you a thinker or a doer? Thinker Doer 6/12 Do you make lots of schedules? Yes No 7/12 What do you value most? Peace Justice 8/12 Which are you better at? Sudoku, where you look at small details Chess, where you need an effective strategy 9/12 Which is stronger in you? Your attention to detail Your creative imagination 10/12 How do you work best? Alone With others 11/12 Do you prefer things to be... Spontaneous Structured 12/12 Are you a responsible person? Yes No