Red Aesthetic Quiz

Red Aesthetic Quiz

This quiz is all about the color red! Answer these questions and find out which red aesthetic best describes you!

published on April 26, 20230 responses 0
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How do you generally spend your free time?

How do you generally spend your free time?
Videogames and watching Anime
Exercising and Sparring
Making art
Writing stories

Which of these appeals to you the most?

Which of these appeals to you the most?
Historical Sites and Artistic Artifacts
Esoterism, Occultism and Ancient Texts
Computer Programming, Robotics and Animation
Archery, Swordplay and Duels

Pick one item to find in your dream room:

Pick one item to find in your dream room:
Training dummy and swords
PC and Console gaming console
Large canvas and paints
Meditating corner and crystal ball

What's the most important thing you look for in friends?

What's the most important thing you look for in friends?
Craziness and fun
Wisdom and understanding
Creativity and inspiration
Bravery and loyalty

Which is the most feared skill you possess?

Which is the most feared skill you possess?
Sharp, logical and intuitive mind
Able to craft breathtaking art
Swift and relentless attack
Devastating videogame strategies

What is one thing you absolutely cannot stand?

What is one thing you absolutely cannot stand?
Trolls and Scammers
Stagnation and lack of creativity
Cowards and dishonorable fighters
Ignorance and closed minds

What's your favorite emotion?

Terrific Joy after defeating a Boss
Exhilaration after a long battle
The Awe at unveiling new knowledge
Creative Bliss while painting

What genre do you prefer in movies?

What genre do you prefer in movies?
Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Animation
Mystery and Thriller
Action and Adventure
Romance and Art-house

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Famed videogame developer
Legendary storyteller and philosopher
Most famous artist of the age
Legendary warrior and strategist

What is your natural state of being?

What is your natural state of being?
Thoughtful, wise and insightful
Silly, sneaky and smart
Focused, brave and relentless
Calm, collected and creative

Which would be your choice weapon?

Which would be your choice weapon?
Harmonious brushstroke and clever copy pencil
Knowledge of Word and Wise Counsel
Masterful use of Controls and Glorious Glitches
Broadsword and Splendid Bow

If you must choose one asset, you pick:

If you must choose one asset, you pick:
Talent and sense of aesthetics
Courage and never-ending drive
Intuition and open-mindedness
Invention and improvisation