which insane blonde man from hunter x hunter are you?

which insane blonde man from hunter x hunter are you?

there are three blonde haired men in hunter x hunter with psychological issues.

published on January 25, 202112 responses 0
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which is the worst

air signs
fire signs
water signs
earth signs

whats your favorite book

i wasnt expecting this question.
lovely question i like (insert some old piece of literature nobody cares about)
i dont know how to read bitch!

what's an annoying habit that you can't seem to break!

correcting peoples grammar
laughing in a superior way when someone does something dumb only to assert that i am the superior one here
eavesdropping on strangers conversations
giving unwarranted opinions and/or advice
i dont do any of that stuff. i am PERFECT. seven billion people AND ME.

do you relate to gon

sadly yes
gon's dad is gnc as f_ck! so hot!

when do you charge your phone

i never let it go below 50% or above 80% in order to maximize the battery life. i carry a portable charger with me at all times.
i charge it when it dies
everytime it dies i just buy a new phone i didnt know u were supposed to charge it...

is it spelled hamster or hampster

hamster (noun) a solitary burrowing rodent with a short tail native to Europe and Northern Asia
you seem to be confused because its always been spelled hampster...
i literally thought it was spelled hampster but now idk anymore

if you could get rid of one thing, what would it be?

i want them to stop making movies for the rest of time. also all movies made until now disappear except for the ones i like.
pepsi; it's a waste of resources
paid streaming services
any knowledge i possess of superwholock

thoughts on light from death note

i relate to him very strongly, perhaps even a kin.
he fills me with overwhelming uncontrollable rage
always writing in his little book... feminine trait

which would you be most ok leaving behind when going into the public

lip balm
water bottle
i would just not go..