What kind of middle schooler are you? Do you know what kind of middle school group you should be in? Even if you aren't in middle school. aidan.housden published on October 02, 2016 Stacked 1/12 What is your favorite social media? Snapchat I don't have social media Vine Facebook Instagram I don't post much so i dont have a favorite 2/12 Pick an emoji. ? ? ? ?? ? ? 3/12 How would you describe yourself? Responsible Happy Quiet Adventurous Smart Cool 4/12 Pick a place to hang out with your friends. at school Starbucks or the mall At my house At the beach A restaurant At the store 5/12 Pick a place to get food. Somewhere new where i want My house Somewhere that everyone will agree on I'll eat all the food in the world Wherever my parents say 6/12 What kind of drink do you prefer? Coffee Milkshake Orange juice Water Smoothie What my friends drink 7/12 What is your favorite thing to wear? My favorite big sweater Whatever is in style I don't know I don't care about what I wear my skinny jeans my converse 8/12 What would you get at starbucks? What my friends get What is starbucks? Frappuccino Latte or Iced Latte I'll make it at home Something Seasonal 9/12 Which holiday would you most likely throw a party for? Just my birthday April Fools Every weekend I don't throw parties, I just go to friends parties I don't like parties that much All of the fun ones 10/12 What do you like to do on the weekend? Hang out with friends Study Help around the house Stay in my room Post funny pictures on social media Go somewhere new 11/12 Pick a ice cream flavor. chocolate vanilla coffee strawberry rainbow sherbert cookies and cream 12/12 What do you usually post on social media? Places I haven't been to I don't post that much on social media I don't have social media Memes and hilarious vines Me hanging out with my friends Beautiful pictures of flowers and stuff like that