Are you a carrot account?

Are you a carrot account?

This is a quiz to determine just exactly if you're a carrot or not. A carrot is a cringe-worthy user whom not a lot of people like except their friends. I wish you luck bc half of yall are carrots.

published on August 31, 201665 responses 0
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What does your bio consist of?

What does your bio consist of?
Reposts, qfeast family, my
friends lists, letters from my
friends. My claimed anime
characters. :33
A small list of what I consist
of, and a few friends that I
recommend to follow.

What 'fandoms' are you in?

What 'fandoms' are you in?
Undertale, fnaf, or homestuck!
A singer/band, a youtuber, or literally anything else except above.

Do you like asian culture? If so, whats your personality like?

Do you like asian culture? If so, whats your personality like?
I'm a WEEABOOOO!!! Pon, pon, pon!!!! VOCALOIIIIID!!!
The opposite of that+ a little bit of the music and food.

Do you use the "XD" face? Or anything similar to that? (E.g: xDD, X3, Dx , X) )

Do you use the "XD" face? Or anything similar to that? (E.g: xDD, X3, Dx , X) )
Yes! XD why?
No. Ew.

You see someone talking about your favorite band. What do you do?

You see someone talking about your favorite band. What do you do?
well I claim DIS CHARACTER. XD she's/he's my husband/wife!1
Thats cool! Whats your favorite song by them?"

Do you repost scams?

Do you repost scams?
DUH. I am NOT a heartless monster! I also dont want kyle the baby asshole to get me at 4:20 a.m )X
Nah. They're fake.