Complete Craziness

Complete Craziness

Because Why Not? I Don't Understand. Im Crazy. Im random. I Make These Quizzes :P

published on January 16, 201612 responses 2
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Author: Who's Up For Camping Like in PaniPoni5 *in yuuna costume*

Author: Who's Up For Camping Like in PaniPoni5 *in yuuna costume*
You: YEAH!!!!!!!!
You: *in yuuma costume* YEAH
You: What?

Author: MM the fires nice tonight.

Author: MM the fires nice tonight.
You: Yep :) *is dressed as pikachu*
You: Yesh *pets pikachu*
You: No, I'm very cold and what are these creatures?

Author: *Has phone out* Lets play.....

Author: *Has phone out* Lets play.....
You: Tera Battle!
You: Wolfplay!
You: Hearthstone! (omg YAS)

Author: Nigh Nigh!

Author: Nigh Nigh!
You: Goodnight!
You: *is in ninja turtle onesie* Night!
You: Goodnight Author~sama :P

~back at your house~
Author: Nice ____ Poster!

Favorite Tv show Poster
Favorite Anime Poster
Cute Animals Poster

Author: *looks at your laptop* Cool You Homescreen Is......

Author: *looks at your laptop* Cool You Homescreen Is......
Creepy pastas
Random Picture Of Nature

Author: *leaps onto you and ties you up* Were da money at?

Author: *leaps onto you and ties you up* Were da money at?
You: Its In My eevee Plushie!! Don't Hurt Me!!!
You: Not In a Safe Somewhere Under My Bed! Author: Ediot.
You: Naruto Halp!!!!!!

AUthor: *is running from cops*

You: *Tackles Officer* RUN AUTHOR!
You: *stands and watches* BYE AUTHOR!!
You: *approaches cop* Hey Now What Did Author~sama Do?

Author: *at midnight* Guys lets play league of legends

Author: *at midnight* Guys lets play league of legends
You: YEAH LEGGO! *has cat headphones on*
You: Yeah I Call Mid Lane :P
You: zzzz *is asleep*

~even later~ Author: Lets Play Bean Boozled!

~even later~ Author: Lets Play Bean Boozled!
You: Yeah!! *dives onto couch*
You: *backs into corner* NO!
You: *still asleep*

~Next Morning~ Author: Happy Anime Day!!!!

~Next Morning~ Author: Happy Anime Day!!!!
you: YESH *is already dressed as Lucy Heartfelia*
You: Anime Day!!
You: Yea, Anime Day l:(

Author: Cya Guys!! (its not actually anime day)

Author: Cya Guys!! (its not actually anime day)
You: BAI!
You: Bye Author, Bye Cactus Man!
You: Cya Author~Senpai