Does Phrog like you?

Does Phrog like you?

This quiz is based on Phrog from Light vs. Dark. The quiz will be hosted by my best cat Pom <3

published on July 29, 20234 responses 0
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Pom: hello viewer! welcome to Pom's game show! Today we will see if Phrog approves of you.
Phrog: my cat u so cute <3
Pom: okay! Why dont you ask the first question?
Phrog: oh yes i would love to! Do you like cats or dogs?
Pom: huh?!
Phrog: i made the first question in honor of you!
Pom: ...thanks?

Pom: hello viewer! welcome to Pom's game show! Today we will see if Phrog approves of you. Phrog: my cat u so cute <3 Pom: okay! Why dont you ask the first question? Phrog: oh yes i would love to! Do you like cats or dogs? Pom: huh?! Phrog: i made the first question in honor of you! Pom: ...thanks?
You: cats i wuv cats! Yay they da cutest!
Phrog: agreed :3
You, Pom, and Phrog: *starts dancing*
You: well...i like both?
Phrog: that wasnt an option?
Pom: ...
Phrog: well heheh it's better than nothing i guess, good answer.
You: i like dogs way better than cats! It will always be that way!
Phrog: >:( it seems you have chosen violence
Pom: control yourself Phrog...Bella my friend is a dog too.
Phrog: i suppose... -_-

Pom: okay! Next question, do you like Phrog or Sun Bracelet better?
Phrog: wait Pom how do u even know this?
Pom: you told me?
Phrog: i did?
Pom: ...
Phrog: ...

Pom: okay! Next question, do you like Phrog or Sun Bracelet better? Phrog: wait Pom how do u even know this? Pom: you told me? Phrog: i did? Pom: ... Phrog: ...
You: Phrog! Shes way better than Sun Bracelet!
Phrog: why thank you! I thought everyone hated me...
Pom: *ahem*?
Phrog: well i meant humans in general!
You:'re both good i guess?
Phrog: why u make this so difficult?
You: Sun Bracelet! She is way better than you! You are just a depressed little bit-
Phrog: *cries*

Phrog: alright what do you think of Pom?
Pom: this quiz is about you!
Phrog: but you're like my best cat!
Pom: welp thanks!

Phrog: alright what do you think of Pom? Pom: this quiz is about you! Phrog: but you're like my best cat! Pom: welp thanks!
You: i think shes a great cat and an amazing friend!
Pom: thank you ^.^
You: shes...weird. Shes a cat but acts like a dog and has a lot of roles? I mean she's ok i guess.
Pom: ...
Phrog: >:(
You: i hate her! I hate cats what even is she! Not just a cat but you talk about her way too much!
Pom: maybe you should just leave then!
Phrog: yeah!

Phrog: anyway, do you like day or night?

Phrog: anyway, do you like day or night?
You: night! I love it and it perfectly represents me :)
Phrog: saaame!
You: i choose...sunset!
Phrog: bro?
Pom: what...
You: day! Just like Sun Bracelet!
Pom: calm down. Sun Bracelet is just a...idk?
Phrog: well that doesnt help!!!

Phrog: Pom why dont you ask the next question?
Pom: well idk what to day...anyway do you like frogs or monkeys?
Phrog: Pom? U sure i didnt tell u about that war?
Pom: sometimes i just know this stuff. It's history.

Phrog: Pom why dont you ask the next question? Pom: well idk what to day...anyway do you like frogs or monkeys? Phrog: Pom? U sure i didnt tell u about that war? Pom: sometimes i just know this stuff. It's history.
You: frogs!
Phrog: yossss queeen! You go boy/girl/whatever you are!
You: hm...both.
Phrog: ok then...
You: monkeys! Frogs suck they are just green and disgusting!
Pom: why do you hate everything Phrog likes?

Phrog: like...a muffin...

Phrog: like...a muffin...
You: yes thank chu!!!
Phrog: yayyy :D
Pom: can i have a piece too?
You: *gives Pom a small crumb*
You: sure?
Phrog: *yeets muffin*
You: *catches it* *eats it*
You: no!!!
Phrog: you- >:( imma give it to Pom she deserves it more than you!!!

Phrog: is this the last q u e s t i o n ?
Pom: it is, so give it your best. Viewer! What do you think of Phrog?

Phrog: is this the last  q u e s t i o n ? Pom: it is, so give it your best. Viewer! What do you think of Phrog?
You: i love her!
Phrog: aw thank chu!
You: eh,'re nice.
You: You deserve to be banished to the void!
Phrog: WHAT?!