What Kind of Investor Are You?

What Kind of Investor Are You?

Have you ever invested your money in stocks and/or real estate? If so, how well can you tell the difference between a good deal and a bad deal? Take this quiz to find out if you are a savvy investor! Quiz question images are courtesy of Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Game.

published on September 11, 2017

If you were an investor, would you buy this?

If you were an investor, would you buy this?
Yes, I would buy this; it's a good deal
No, I would not buy this; it's a bad deal
Not sure; I need to think about it

Is this a good deal or a bad deal?

Is this a good deal or a bad deal?
Good deal- It's always good to help a family member out
Bad deal-I have no idea when or if she will be able to pay back the loan
Good deal--It depends--is she trustworthy, and is the loan in writing

Would you buy this?

Would you buy this?
No, because there is a negative cash flow
Yes, because it is possible to turn this property into producing positive cash flow.
Don't know ; not sure

Would you sell this stock?

Would you sell this stock?
No, I would not sell this stock at all; the price may still go up
Yes, I would sell this stock now because I will make a profit, depending on how many shares were purchased
Not sure; don't know

How would you rate this ?

How would you rate this ?
Good deal--land has possibilities for development
Bad deal--too expensive; just empty plot of land
Not sure; need more information

Does this bank CD appeal to you?

Does this bank CD appeal to you?
Yes, I would purchase this CD--guaranteed interest and is a good and safe investment
No, I would not purchase this CD-interest and yield given is insufficient
Not sure; don't know

Would you buy this stock?

Would you buy this stock?
No , I would not buy this stock at all
Yes, I would buy this stock and hold it forever
Yes , I would buy this stock and sell it later if the stock price goes up