what warrior cat clan group are you in? do you want to no what clan you are in? find out what warrior cat clan group you are in here! wolfgirl77 published on September 09, 2020 Stacked 1/10 who do you like the most? mousefur dawncloud tallstar oakheart 2/10 if you were in the story, who would you like to meet the most? bluestar brokenstar tallstar crookedstar 3/10 if you had to, where would you hide as a warrior cat? under water in a tree underneath the under-growth behind a tree or bush 4/10 who in the warrior cats series would you like to be? firepaw tallstar oakheart blackfoot 5/10 which is your favourite element? ice air darkness storm 6/10 which is your favourite clan? river thunder shadow wind 7/10 a group of warrior cat form a different clan came in your territory, what would you do? attack rip them to shreds tell the leader to get a group out there run away back to the camp and tell everyone reason with them 8/10 if you were a cat, what would be your favourite food? mouse fish other cats none of the above 9/10 where do you want to live in? forest river mash land moor 10/10 what would be your job in the clan? leader medicine warrior Queen deputy