Sonic WWFFY part 21

Sonic WWFFY part 21

Heyyy! So, last time you wake up and your in a glass tueb and Kameo is there. You find out eggman tricked her and she tries to help you escape. But eggman comes and knockes her out and your stuck again. The guys come in and eggheads all like "Mwa ha ha ha!" And knockes everyone out with some sort of gas. Then everyone is captured and you go into your crushes sleep. Kiss him. Then you both DIE! Enjoy :D

published on January 30, 2015174 responses 67
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Your shoot open and you gasp as everything comes into view. You pant slightly. Your dizzy. Your legs give away as you fall but someone catches you. "Hey, its ok. Your safe now __" you look u to see Sapphire smiling at you. "Sapph? Whats going on?" Then everything floods back to you. You jump up in alarm. "I was dead! And...Where's-" You look around to see the guys recovering from their capsules. "We're ok!" Manic calls and you sigh with relief.

Your shoot open and you gasp as everything comes into view. You pant slightly. Your dizzy. Your legs give away as you fall but someone catches you. "Hey, its ok. Your safe now __" you look u to see Sapphire smiling at you. "Sapph? Whats going on?" Then everything floods back to you. You jump up in alarm. "I was dead! And...Where's-" You look around to see the guys  recovering from their capsules. "We're ok!" Manic calls and you sigh with relief.
So...I didn't drown?
So...I didn't get shot?
So...I didn't burn?
So...I didn't actully die?
So...I didn't lose blood?
So...I didn't get crushed?
So...My heart beat didn't stop?

"Nope! Someone pulled the plug" You follow the wires with your eyes to see a familer face holding the plug. It was Kam! (Couldn't put the full thing, sorry Kam!) She looked up and waved to you. "Hey __. Its great to see your ok. Another second and you and the guys would be goners. Good thing we got here" "We?" You ask and looks behind her. All of your friends were there fighting robots. Sky, Yamillete, Crimson, Alexis, Lea-anne and two new faces. One very, very familer.

"Nope! Someone pulled the plug" You follow the wires with your eyes to see a familer face holding the plug. It was Kam! (Couldn't put the full thing, sorry Kam!) She looked up and waved to you. "Hey __. Its great to see your ok. Another second and you and the guys would be goners. Good thing we got here" "We?" You ask and looks behind her. All of your friends were there fighting robots. Sky, Yamillete, Crimson, Alexis, Lea-anne and two new faces. One very, very familer.
*small smile* (OMG!) What? (ITS HAPPY!) -_-
All my friends are save me...*happy tear* (And the guys) Shhh! Your ruining the moment!
Wow...everyone is here...awww! Look at the picture! :D
Why is Lea-anne not in the pic? (Sowy, but I couldn't fit her on...she get 200 cookies instead ^.^)
Lets get into the action! >:D
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Waht does it mean by one very familer?
Yeah! How can you have a new face but you have seen it before? (Sh! Pay attention!)

"I'm Swift. Sapphire called me and asked for some help. I didn't know everything would be this bad..." She shakes her head. "Yeah, sorry about that" You say rubbing hate back of your neck. Swift smiles "Nah, its ok. It comes with the job of being friends with the guys" She runs off again to fight the robots. incoming. You turn to the other girl and she smiles. You reconize her...light purple fur, yellow eyes, dressed in red and black...

"I'm Swift. Sapphire called me and asked for some help. I didn't know everything would be this bad..." She shakes her head. "Yeah, sorry about that" You say rubbing hate back of your neck. Swift smiles "Nah, its ok. It comes with the job of being friends with the guys" She runs off again to fight the robots. incoming. You turn to the other girl and she smiles. You reconize her...light purple fur, yellow eyes, dressed in red and black...
Yay! Hi Swift! :D
I don't remeber the girl with light purple fur...
I know who she is but I don't remeber her being here...
Oh! I know! I know! I know!
..of course! She was the girl from our nightmare when we first had it!
I remeber now! lost me.

You slowly reconise her. Your eyes grow wide and she giggles. "Remeber me huh?" "Your the one who gave me that nightmare!?, are you a bad guy then?" "Definatly not! I'm Camille the Hedgehog. I was just prepearing you for what was coming" She smiles and also goes back to the fighting. You look to the guys to see they are also fighting. You smirk a little. "Lets do this"

You slowly reconise her. Your eyes grow wide and she giggles. "Remeber me huh?" "Your the one who gave me that nightmare!?, are you a bad guy then?" "Definatly not! I'm Camille the Hedgehog. I was just prepearing you for what was coming" She smiles and also goes back to the fighting. You look to the guys to see they are also fighting. You smirk a little. "Lets do this"
Hella yes!
I can do this...>:D
Robots? Are you sure? (The guys will help you) Ok! :D
Come at me bruh! XD
*puts on sunglasses* (XD)
Ohhh! Badass over here then! X3

You join in with everone kicking robot butt. Now that you think about it...wheres egghead? You hear a voice boom though the speaker. "Listen up rodents, you can't keep on fighting my robots forever. There is only erm...hold on...17? Yeah, 17 of you and hundreds of them." You sigh as a robot comes behind you. "sUrReNdEr iS pOiNtLeSs" it croaked. "Oh shoot!" Swift appears behind it and knocks it down. You nod to her smiling. "Hes right you know" She says. "Huh?" "Egghead, we might not be able to do this. There only a few of them and loads of them..."

You join in with everone kicking robot butt. Now that you think about it...wheres egghead? You hear a voice boom though the speaker. "Listen up rodents, you can't keep on fighting my robots forever. There is only erm...hold on...17? Yeah, 17 of you and hundreds of them." You sigh as a robot comes behind you. "sUrReNdEr iS pOiNtLeSs" it croaked. "Oh shoot!" Swift appears behind it and knocks it down. You nod to her smiling. "Hes right you know" She says. "Huh?" "Egghead, we might not be able to do this. There only a few of them and loads of them..."
...wait! I know how to save this!
Oh...T.T Now i'm sad
So...I might just die anyway? (Maybeee) Don't maybe me! >:c
No! We can do this! We always pull though!...Right? Sapph? (...)
I could have got that robot myself! -3-
Eggman! Come out here and fight like a man!...Or egg! Whatever!
Ya know whats bugging me?...wheres Domanic?

"We need to get out of here then!" Yamilette hears and nods "Everonye out!" Everyone start to run towards the exit. You start running to and then remeber the choas emerlads. You run and grab them all quickly before making towards the exit. Suddenly you hear sirenss. The lights in the room go red and all the doors and windows shut and lock. "Oh great!" Sky sighed face palming. "I think I might be able to get this door open. It might take a while though!" Crimson said bashing on to the door. The robots start to surround you all and you hear eggman laughing though the speakers.

"We need to get out of here then!" Yamilette hears and nods "Everonye out!" Everyone start to run towards the exit. You start running to and then remeber the choas emerlads. You run and grab them all quickly before making towards the exit. Suddenly you hear sirenss. The lights in the room go red and all the doors and windows shut and lock. "Oh great!" Sky sighed face palming. "I think I might be able to get this door open. It might take a while though!" Crimson said bashing on to the door. The robots start to surround you all and you hear eggman laughing though the speakers.
Let me at em! I'll hold them back while you guys go!
It this the end of __? *dramatic posture*
Come on Crim! We have to hurry!
Gowd, that suspence tho
^Gotten used to it XD
Nononono! Nononono! Nononono!

You feel your arms heating up. Whats going on? *you look down to see your fur is slowly turning a golden travels from your arms and spreads out across your body from your legs to your hair. "__! The choas emerlads! They must have turned you super!" Sky calls to you. "Super huh? I like the sound of that" You reply. You slowly float up into the air. You smirk as you see all the robots advance towards you. "Ready? Steady? Fire!" You somehow make a large ball of fire appear in your hands. You aim it at the robots. "Go!" You let it fly towards the robots and they are too slow to avoid it. They fly about left and right trying to aviod the explostions you were sending there way.

You feel your arms heating up. Whats going on? *you look down to see your fur is slowly turning a golden travels from your arms and spreads out across your body from your legs to your hair. "__! The choas emerlads! They must have turned you super!" Sky calls to you. "Super huh? I like the sound of that" You reply. You slowly float up into the air. You smirk as you see all the robots advance towards you. "Ready? Steady? Fire!" You somehow make a large ball of fire appear in your hands. You aim it at the robots. "Go!" You let it fly towards the robots and they are too slow to avoid it. They fly about left and right trying to aviod the explostions you were sending there way.
Super __? It has a ring to it. Don't you think?
>:D die robots! DIEEE
Knew we would survive!
Take that robots! And that! And that! And that!
I'm yellow! X3 (Golden) I'm golden! X3
Now THIS is cool!

Soon all the robots were defeated and you slowly float back onto the ground again. You open your eyes and smile at everony as they clap for you. "Awesome __!" Kameo (<--now it lets me put it -_-U) cheers. "I got the doors open!" Crimson "FREEDOM!" Sapphire shouts running out. Everyone follows laughing and high fiving. You had each one of the guys a emrald. Just in case. You pause as you feel a chill run down your spine. A thing was behind you, and what ever it was it was close. Very close.

Soon all the robots were defeated and you slowly float back onto the ground again. You open your eyes and smile at everony as they clap for you. "Awesome __!" Kameo (<--now it lets me put it -_-U) cheers. "I got the doors open!" Crimson "FREEDOM!" Sapphire shouts running out. Everyone follows laughing and high fiving. You had each one of the guys a emrald. Just in case. You pause as you feel a chill run down your spine. A thing was behind you, and what ever it was it was close. Very close.
Is it Sonic?
Is it Shadow?
Is it Silver?
Is it Manic?
Is it Tails?
Is it Knuckles?
Is it Espio?