Cat life

Cat life

So your a cat and the title is pretty self explanitory. It's telling me I need more words.

published on May 08, 201625 responses 9
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You have your own territory and you guard it daily, but one day while patrolling you see and injured kit. The mother is nowhere to be seen. What do you do?

You have your own territory and you guard it daily, but one day while patrolling you see and injured kit. The mother is nowhere to be seen. What do you do?
Leave it the mother will probably come back soon, but I'll leave something for the
mother to say this is my territory.
Take the kit in.
Bring it to the cutter since I saw some cats get healed by the cutter.

You decide to take the kit to the cutter. You leave it on the doorstep, but then two human children appear. What do you do?

You decide to take the kit to the cutter. You leave it on the doorstep, but then two human children appear. What do you do?
Let them come I enjoy them petting me...
Run away

You ran away from the children to your territory, while in your territory you see a she cat crying what do you do?

You ran away from the children to your territory, while in your territory  you see a she cat crying what do you do?
Say hello and ask them why are they crying
Blurt out you brought the kit to the cutter
Tell them that this is your territory and get off.

You ask why they are crying and the say they lost their kit. What do you do?

You ask why they are crying and the say they lost their kit. What do you do?
Tell them the truth
Tell them to get off my territory it's not my problem so why should I care?

As you walk away you see a dead rat. Easy prey you think and start eating it. After you eat it you feel sick. Where do you go?

Where the cutter is
Find that clan nearby
Do nothing

Sorry this is so short I was bored and like this popped in my head

Will there be a part 2?