Unrequited Love Quiz

Unrequited Love Quiz

Find out what kind of person you are when it comes to unrequited love.

published on May 09, 20237 responses 0
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Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?
In a relationship with someone who loves you back
In love with someone who is uninterested
Single and free of emotional stress
Indifferent towards love

If you were in an unrequited love situation, what would you do next?

If you were in an unrequited love situation, what would you do next?
Accept the situation and focus on self-growth
Hope for the best and strive for reciprocated love
Push away feelings and focus on starting a stable relationship
Move on and boost self-confidence with friends and activities

What would attract you to someone more?

What would attract you to someone more?
Their ability to enjoy life to the fullest
Their plans for a secure and stable future
How in-tune they are with their emotions
How driven they are with ambition and passion

How do you typically deal with heartbreak?

How do you typically deal with heartbreak?
Shut it down, don't let love in
Stay optimistic and focus on the good points
Learn from it and move on happily afterwards
Take time to heal, especially with a friend

What kind of person would you like to be with?

What kind of person would you like to be with?
Someone who I can build a long-term and reliable relationship with
Someone with similar interests who I can just be myself with
Someone who understands, loves and cares for me deeply
Someone I can trust, who is passionate about life

Which of the following emotions do you feel on a regular basis?

Which of the following emotions do you feel on a regular basis?
Fear of the future and heartbreak
Contentment and optimism
Joy, love and satisfaction
Longing and yearning

What do you prioritize when in a relationship?

What do you prioritize when in a relationship?
Happiness and freedom
Compassion and empathy
Security and commitment
Romance and passion

Which statement describes you better when it comes to unrequited love?

Which statement describes you better when it comes to unrequited love?
I'd rather be single if it means being emotionally secure
I'd rather move away and protect my heart
I'd meekly accept whatever they choose to give me even if its nothing
I can be a shoulder to cry on for someone I like, but it won't go anywhere

How do you handle yourself in an unrequited love situation?

How do you handle yourself in an unrequited love situation?
Keep my love alive and express it without assumptions
Shut down love and accept if that's the best for both of us
Love myself and prevent a future heartache
Be supportive and stay connected to the person

Which of the following situations illustrate the unrequited love you feel?

Which of the following situations illustrate the unrequited love you feel?
Your relationship came to an end while they moved on easily
Being worried of being in the same situation once again, and avoiding any chance of a relationship
Uncertainty and power dynamics between two people, preventing commitment
Loving someone even though you know it can't become a reality

What kind of love do you dream of?

What kind of love do you dream of?
The kind that understands each other's emotion with trust
The kind of passionate love that lasts forever
The kind that makes me feel comfortable and safe
The kind with a fulfilling connection that can bear changes in life