What nickname would i give you?

What nickname would i give you?

The personality results are nicknames ive given to people over the years

published on February 25, 202140 responses 16
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You come to a creek in the woods like pictured. How do you get across?

You come to a creek in the woods like pictured. How do you get across?
Step on the rocks and stumps
Step on the rocks and stumps
swim / walk through the water
swim / walk through the water
Walk in a random direction until i find a bridge
Walk in a random direction until i find a bridge
Swing from the trees
Swing from the trees
Knock down a tree and build my own bridge
Knock down a tree and build my own bridge
Make a raft / float across
Make a raft / float across
I dont and take a break from hiking
I dont and take a break from hiking

Which vase would you put in your living room?

Which vase would you put in your living room?
Sexy glass vase
Sexy glass vase
gold pretty vase
gold pretty vase
Creepy vase
Creepy vase
Hercules vase
Hercules vase
Modern vases
Modern vases
Minecraft flower pot
Minecraft flower pot

If you could shop at a fictional store or place, where would you like to go?

If you could shop at a fictional store or place, where would you like to go?
Diagon Alley (Harry Potter)
Diagon Alley (Harry Potter)
Anywhere in Springfield (The Simpsons)
Anywhere in Springfield (The Simpsons)
Starcourt Mall (Stranger Things)
Starcourt Mall (Stranger Things)
Red Rocket Truck Stop (Fallout 4)
Red Rocket Truck Stop (Fallout 4)
The Prancing Pony (LOTR)
The Prancing Pony (LOTR)
Tem Shop (Undertale)
Tem Shop (Undertale)
Witch's wood carving shop (Brave)
Witch's wood carving shop (Brave)

If you had two weeks to submit a drawing for a drawing contest (with a huge prize) what would you do?

If you had two weeks to submit a drawing for a drawing contest (with a huge prize) what would you do?
work on the best drawing i'll ever create
work on the best drawing i'll ever create
half ass something and send it in. see what happens
half ass something and send it in. see what happens
nothing due to stress
nothing due to stress
Ask my friend to join the contest
Ask my friend to join the contest
Draw segsy furries
Draw segsy furries
Find an old drawing that I'm proud of / improve it a little
Find an old drawing that I'm proud of / improve it a little
See if there are other categories of art (like beading, collaging, poetry)
See if there are other categories of art (like beading, collaging, poetry)

What would you write in your qf bio?

What would you write in your qf bio?
Horny teenage boy
Horny teenage boy
Vagrant rat lord
Vagrant rat lord
Innocent poppycock
Innocent poppycock
Ass guy
Ass guy
shameless / shameful kinnie
shameless / shameful kinnie
Chunky stew
my age, name i want to be called, and fandoms
my age, name i want to be called, and fandoms

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fᴜcked up or what?

if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fᴜcked up or what?
kinda, depends.
kinda, depends.

who would you want to be in that scenario?

who would you want to be in that scenario?
The guy who kills the guy with a rock
the guy who dies
The rock
The moon
Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin

What's your biggest source of stress?

Covid 19
Art block
Parents / people
Lack of motivation
Im in a cage
My girlfriend wont sex me!!! >:[