Are you a therian?

Are you a therian?

Have you always wondred if you a therian? Well, take this quiz and you will find out :) Therian means someone with animal soul in a human body

published on August 06, 2015105 responses 23
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Do you like mud?

Do you like mud?
Its okay...
I love rolling in it <3
ehhmm...of course not! its muddy and wet
i dont really care

Do you like cheweing on stuff?
Like Pencils, paper, or something else

Do you like cheweing on stuff? Like Pencils, paper, or something else
YES! Its my special talent :3
Ofcourse not im not an animal -_-
If im bored, but i dont normaly do it when someone is watching

Do you walk up on 4 legs up stairs?

Yes its wery fun
I do it to act that im a dog :3
I did it before now i have grown up from that baby stuff

Do u prefer being alone or with company?

Do u prefer being alone or with company?
Somethimes i want to be alone but other times with others
Most alone
Most with others

Do you think its okay to see blood?

Do you think its okay to see blood?
It doesnt bother me with some blood
I love blood, it looks tasty!

Have you ever seen a wolf, even there was no wolf there?

Have you ever seen a wolf, even there was no wolf there?
Yes many times
Yes some few times

Have you ever bitten or scratched someone to blood, and you liked it?

Yes on my friends/family/someone i know
No like i told you i dont like blood