Who are you in 'Futurama'?

Who are you in 'Futurama'?

Do you belong to Planet Express, or do you prefer to stay in the head museum? Test your 'Futurama' knowledge and find out who you are!

published on April 29, 20231 response 0
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When facing a problem, what do you do first?

Analyze the situation
Wing it
Create a plan
Take the safe option

What qualities do you value in a friend?

What qualities do you value in a friend?
Common goals
An insatiable curiosity
It's all about the fun

Which of these topics would you like to learn more about?

How to cook with a Slurm-O-Matic 3000
History of space exploration
How to minimize risks when operating space ships
The principles of robotics

If the Planet Express crew needed immediate help, what would you do?

Take a chance on something
Come up with a plan of action
Assess the situation first
Research potential solutions

Which of the following appeals to you the most?

The excitement of exploring new things
Making sense of the complexities of the universe
Having a sense of control over your circumstances
The stability of regularity

What is your go-to solution when facing a problem?

Go with your gut feeling
Follow a pre-established plan
Perform a cost-benefit analysis
Analyze data and reach a conclusion

You find yourself in a situation where your best chance for survival is taking a jump. What would you do?

Hesitate for a moment
Take the jump
Think of an alternative plan
Make a calculated decision

You are looking for a new and interesting hobby. What do you choose?

You are looking for a new and interesting hobby. What do you choose?
Stocks and investments
Taking up a new sport
Searching for a new scientific idea
Gardening and pottering around the house

When you hear about something new you'd like to try, what is your immediate reaction?

Get to it right away
Create an action plan
Weigh the pros and cons
Take all the necessary precautions

Where would you prefer to work?

Where would you prefer to work?
In a challenging and dynamic environment
Something adventurous and risky
In a numbers-driven profession
Something where I can follow clear rules and guidelines

What comes to mind when you hear the words 'space odyssey'?

What comes to mind when you hear the words 'space odyssey'?
A risky, yet thrilling adventure
Creating a plan of action
Exploring the unknown
A journey of caution

If you had the chance to explore a new planet, what would you focus on first?

Focusing on the thrilling aspects of the mission
Coming up with a plan of exploration
The safety regulations of the area
The scientific discoveries that can be made

What makes an ideal day for you?

What makes an ideal day for you?
Creating and executing a plan
Focusing on a challenging task
Exploring unknown territory
Spending time with those I care about