Are you a Day Wolf or Night Wolf? This quiz will determine if you are the wolf of the morning or the wolf of the midnight. Enjoy! Total_Marshmallowz published on June 12, 2016 Stacked 1/7 Are you Wild or Timid? T-t-timid DEFINITELY WILD 2/7 Are you one for adventure? Yes Eh Not really No 3/7 Are you an Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert Extrovert Bit of Both 4/7 Are you good at endurance? Yes, I can concentrate Yes, I can keep moving No, I get distracted No, I stop aftet a while 5/7 Do you get up early or stay up late? I'm an early bird I'm a night owl 6/7 What's your (gulp) favorite color? (Hides behind a marshmallow) Black Gold White Gray Orange Silver 7/7 Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic Happy and Proud Pessimistic Angry and Dissapointed