Are you Transgender,Genderqueer, or Normal

Are you Transgender,Genderqueer, or Normal

this is not fully true but it's the best i can do being genderqueer. I hope you like

published on March 06, 2015268 responses 35
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Want gender do you want to be

i'm fine with my gender
i can't chosen
not my own, i hate being my gender

(this is for girls, this your a boy hit i'm a boy) would you want to be a boy

No, i want to be a girl
Yes, i hate being a girl
i can't choose
No, boys are wierd
I'm a boy

(for boys only) would you want to be a girl

No, i want to be boy
umm, i have to think on it
No, girls are weird
I'm a girl

if you could choose you gender what would it be

The same gender
the oppoisite gender
i can't choose

What is your gender?


How did you feel when you had to select an answer for the gender question above?

I believe my gender is male.
I selected/would select male, that is the better option of the two
I selected/would select female, because that is the better option of the two
I believe my gender female.
i just choose my gender

Imagine everyone refers to you as your oppiosite gender , in every aspect of your life. Would you like it?

Yes, very much
I wouldn't mind.
I wouldn't really like it
I would hate it