does Caila THE hedgehog like you

does Caila THE hedgehog like you

find out if caila likes you if she hates you have shadow to deal with and if she likes you have silver to deal with

published on June 02, 201514 responses 4
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you see caila with a two tailed fox but she doesn't look like tails she asks to scan you what do you do

you see caila with a two tailed fox but she doesn't look like tails she asks to scan you what do you do
heck get away freak
ummmm sure
beats the fox up

you see shadow looking at you with anger what do you do

you see shadow looking at you with anger what do you do
who do you think you are looking at me like that!
look at caila with fear

you see silver holding caila's hand you get jealous what do you do

you see silver holding caila's hand you get jealous what do you do
beat him up and grab caila
make up an excuse for him to leave
grab caila and make out with her

you see caila asleep what do you do

you see caila asleep what do you do
lay down with her
kiss her head
write dork on her forehead

you see caila and shes crying what do you do

you see caila and shes crying what do you do
help her out
laugh and call her a baby
pick her up bridal style
kick her