Are you a hero, villain, or average person?

Are you a hero, villain, or average person?

You wanna know if your a hero, or villain, or just an average person? Please be honest. Have fun!

published on May 25, 201550 responses 18
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You are driving, and you see a little boy drowning in the lake. What do you do?

You are driving, and you see a little boy drowning in the lake. What do you do?
Save him!
Laugh and watch him drown (while eating popcorn)
Call 911

If you have powers, what would you do?

If you have powers, what would you do?
End all world problems
Enslave the world
Be cool, I guess

You are at the mall, and you REALLY need to go pee. There is a one person bathroom, and there is a toddler who is holding her pee in as hard as she can, and occansionally, little squirts of pee run down her leg. Do you,

You are at the mall, and you REALLY need to go pee. There is a one person bathroom, and there is a toddler who is holding her pee in as hard as she can, and occansionally, little squirts of pee run down her leg. Do you,
Let her cut you, she's more desperate than you!
Scare her and watch her wet herself while laughing
Feel bad for her, you are VERY desperate!

A child lost her ballon, and she is now crying. You have an extra ballon which is her and your favorite color. Do you,

A child lost her ballon, and she is now crying. You have an extra ballon which is her and your favorite color. Do you,
Give her your ballon and a lollipop
Laugh at her
Walk away

A psycho is chasing a elderly man down the street with a knife. Do you,

A psycho is chasing a elderly man down the street with a knife. Do you,
Save him and kill/hurt the psycho
Get in the fun and chase the elderly man with a knife as well
Call 911

You are hiking and you see a little orphand girl with no family being attacked by a mountain lion. Do you,

You are hiking and you see a little orphand girl with no family  being attacked by a mountain lion. Do you,
Save her, and adopt the girl
Laugh at her and watch her die
Call 911

There is a huge mudslide, and a toddler is standing in front of it without him knowing thare is is a huge mudslide behind him. D you,

There is a huge mudslide, and a toddler is standing in front of it without him knowing thare is is a huge mudslide behind him. D you,
Save the toddler
Watch the toddler die
Yell "watch out!" canrun as fast as you

You see a cute, abused puppy in a persons backyard. Do you,

You see a cute, abused puppy in a persons backyard. Do you,
Save the puppy and take him to the vet
Help the guy abuse him even moore
Call 911

You see a house getting robbed. Do you,

You see a house getting robbed. Do you,
Catch the robber and inform the family
Join the robber and rob BIG time
Call 911

You see the school bully beating up the new kid. Do you,

You see the school bully beating up the new kid. Do you,
Tell the bully to stop and befriend the kid
Help the bully beat up the kid
Get a teacher

Who do you wanna be?

Who do you wanna be?
Average Person