The Acting Character Quiz

The Acting Character Quiz

Do you have what it takes to be an actor? Take this quiz and find out! You'll be matched with four archetypal characters.

published on April 23, 20231 response 0
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Which of these gives you the most energy?

Which of these gives you the most energy?

Which of these do you prefer?

Which of these do you prefer?
Going to parties
Watching movies
Making and breaking plans
Playing sport or performing

How do you react to a challenge?

How do you react to a challenge?
Apply creative and improvisational techniques
Observe and take a backseat role
Analyze and plan responsively
Strategize by making and breaking plans

How do you gain closure on a project?

How do you gain closure on a project?
Shift plans and improvise ideas on the fly
Explore and refine ideas in collaboration
Schedule and manage team activites
Document progress and areas of improvement

When given a creative project, you...

When given a creative project, you...
Set clear objectives from the start
Observe and take mental notes
Explore several possibilities
Adopt an improvisational approach

Which of these best reflects your work style?

Which of these best reflects your work style?
Focused and performance-driven
Inception and analysis over action
Impulsive improvisation
Exploration of new opportunities

What gets you revved up?

What gets you revved up?
Observing the different ways people behave
Making up games and characters
Making and breaking plans
Networking and connecting with people

What gets your creative juices going?

What gets your creative juices going?
Talking with a group of inspiring people
Exploring new activities and scenarios
Designing and reinventing projects
Contemplating ideas and behaviours

What do you find enjoyable?

What do you find enjoyable?
Watching and taking in the atmosphere
Meeting new people and networking
Making others laugh
Exploring new possibilities and options

How would you best describe yourself?

How would you best describe yourself?
Adaptive and creative
Observant and insightful
Charismatic and spontaneous
Inspiring and compassionate

Given a role in a play, you would...

Given a role in a play, you would...
Learn lines quickly and get into it
Focus on character development and meaning
Experiment with new approaches
Find creative ways to make it more fun