Unrequited Love Types

Take this quiz to find out which personality type describes your handling of unrequited love.

published on May 14, 20232 responses 0
Unrequited Love Types
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Which of the following describes how you handle unreciprocated love?

Which of the following describes how you handle unreciprocated love?
Expressing emotions

How do you keep yourself busy after heart break?

How do you keep yourself busy after heart break?
Replacing them with someone else
Engaging in creative hobbies/activities
Staying connected to the person

What kind of gestures of affection do you usually offer?

What kind of gestures of affection do you usually offer?
Unabashed displays of feelings
Pleasant surprises
Friendly compliments

How do you figure out if the person reciprocates your feelings?

How do you figure out if the person reciprocates your feelings?
Making little advances
Sticking around to find out
Treading cautiously

When stuck in an unrequited love situation, do you...

When stuck in an unrequited love situation, do you...
Vent out feelings
Reinforce ties

When it comes to accepting unrequited love, how do you react?

When it comes to accepting unrequited love, how do you react?
Desperation and obsession
Sorting out ways to reconnect
Confusion and denial

When no expectations are involved, what do you do?

When no expectations are involved, what do you do?
Avoid it completely
Grow more hopeful about future
Be open to whatever outcome

When trying to attract someone, how do you act?

When trying to attract someone, how do you act?
Create an emotional atmosphere
Be straightforward and honest
Distant, nonchalant attitude

When unreciprocated feelings are sensed, do you…

When unreciprocated feelings are sensed, do you…
Try to get close and stay
Go the extra mile
Ignore, downplay

What kind of approach do you take towards a person?

What kind of approach do you take towards a person?
Non-committal yet appreciative
Try to be their knight in shining armor
Push yourself to make connections