Which of the horror girls are you(girls only)?

This my first quiz is about some girls that enter the death mansion and they have to scape they have magic and jewels inside their bodies if the jewels are taken out they die and those from the death mansion are looking for those jewels which of these girls could you be?well if you wanna know take this quiz.

published on January 11, 201614 responses 2
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Case:hey do know where Closi is?
Cloy:at her house
Case:I don't wanna go there
Cloy:don't be a pussy
Case:it's raining
Cloy:seriously you have to get wet if you wanna grow,also I have to have enough water to fight and also that's being more like a pussy actually you are a pussy
Case:"punches"I l get sick and I'm not you etheir!and I'm not a pussy!
Cloy:you didn't have to punch me!anyways we're in Closi's house lets go in.

Case:hey do know where Closi is? Cloy:at her house Case:I don't wanna go there Cloy:don't be a pussy Case:it's raining Cloy:seriously you have to get wet if you wanna grow,also I  have to have enough water to fight and also that's being more like a pussy  actually you are a pussy Case:"punches"I l get sick and I'm not you etheir!and I'm not a pussy! Cloy:you didn't have to punch me!anyways we're in Closi's house lets go in. Case:"sight"
Case:I'll wait for you here
Cloy:come on,don't be like this is the first time we got here we know what is in here is
no witch or anything so come in or I'll drag you in.
Case:good luck with that
Cloy:good luck with that nothing last time I dragged you in like nothing
Case:hey you stop
Cloy:come in or if not I'll tell Trufivia about you and Closi to

Cloy:this isn't her house it didn't look like this in here
Case:and you said you knew what's in here know a witch comes out named-
???:you fell for it yes I'm a witch named Naraiko
Case:you said the positive of this but it came out negative of what you said cloy which means your a liar
Cloy:shut up I didn't know,not everyone knows everything and stop being mean

Cloy:this isn't her house it didn't look like this in here Case:and you said you knew what's in here know a witch comes out named- ???:you fell for it yes I'm a witch named Naraiko Case:you said the positive of this but it came out negative of what you said cloy which means your a liar Cloy:shut up I didn't know,not everyone knows everything and stop being mean
Case:I'm getting out of here
Cloy:hey wait for me
Naraiko:you can't get out good luck
Both:Let get the heck out of here
Naraiko:good luck with that well I'm the one who is leaving not you do

After Naraiko leaves goes to Closi's house which Trufivia is to
Naraiko:good the're sleeping

After Naraiko leaves goes to Closi's house which Trufivia is to Trufivia:Zzz Closi:Zzz Naraiko:good the're sleeping
Trufivia:Ah is just a bird making noise goes back to sleep
Closi:me to
Naraiko:they don't know is me I'll take them to the mansion to
Both:who's there "birds sing"
Both:oh just some birds "goes back to sleep
Naraiko:if I do anything they'll wake up so I'll throw a bomb for when they wake up they are in the mansion

Closi:where in heaven are we
Trufivia:no idea
Naraiko:welcome to my mansion

Closi:where in heaven are we Trufivia:no idea Naraiko:welcome to my mansion
Closi:who in heaven are you and how in heaven did we get here because I don't think you have info time to answer
Trufivia:Let's go back home this is not where we live I don't know how we got here but I'm leaving
Naraiko:good luck with that

Naraiko:Now you and your friends are gonna die

Both:No Closi Trufivia!
Both:No Cloy Case!