What animal jammer are you?

What animal jammer are you?

What kind of jammer are you? Send iluvdalmatians a note on her jammer wall if you want an auto/buddy :)

published on January 10, 20178 responses 3
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A nonmember wants to trade their spike for your necklace. You...

Do it then run away
Tell them what a spike is truly worth, then walk away
Trade them fair then leave
Ask for their password
Trade them a rare, because rare for rare!!!111111!!!111!1!

Why do you like Arctic Wolves (assuming you do)

They are better than anything else.
They let me blend in.
They are cute.
They look like a mop!!!
Because people trust them

Favorite item(s)?

Spike, they are easy to get but hard to take.
Wings, they are unique and pretty.
Fake promos, like the easy to get "gold" bunny. Also items with viruses on them.
Headdress, spike, tiki, neon bow, party hat, etc.
Necklaces are the best!

Would you like to meet/buddy me (iluvdalmatians)?

If I can borrow your account. I know how to get free stuff!
Sure! I like making friends.
Ok, but only if you trust trade me.
Buddy me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eh, only if you are rare.

What is your favorite game?

I like Best Dressed, but all of them are good.
I like Four Gem. I can bet with people and get their rares!
I like SCOOPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Games are too babyish for me.
Games that I can rig so I win every time.

Your opinion on scamming?

What is that? Is it where you look over someone with a copy machine?
Don't scam me, scam someone else.
Its fun and easy!
Hacking is more effective.
No! That is a very bad thing to do!

Your favorite famous jammer?

Aparri, Julian2, Skorm, all of the rare ones.
The ones who care for their fans, not rares.
New Jammer!!!!!!!!!

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404 not found..... Reprogramming... 11010101010111011010101010101011101010101010011010101
Can I please have a spike?
Poop is squishy!