Which Eminem song are you A quiz to see which eminem song you are Michael.Afton published 16 days ago Stacked 1/6 If someone hurts your friend what will you do Punch them! Get a teacher Nothing Beg them to stop 2/6 What will you do on a friday Throw a party!! Dance by myself Hangout with dad Watch a movie Fight someone 3/6 What will you do if you are sad Listen to music Fight someone!! Singgg Talk to someone Try to make jokes 4/6 Which eminem song do you hope to get W.T.P Talkin' 2 Myself So bad Cinderlla man Space Bound Not Afraid Godzilla Mockingbird 5/6 Will you comment what you get? Yes Maybeee Nah Ofc!! 6/6 Thank you for taking this quiz No problem Mhm IT SUCKS Uh your welcome?